The Voice

A look ahead to The Voice knockouts

Brailey Lenderman and Huntley listen to feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Brailey Lenderman and Huntley listen to feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)


With just three battle round matches left, The Voice will shift to the knockout round sometime during Monday’s episode.

So here’s a look at where the teams will stand entering those knockouts and what matchups we’ll see during the upcoming round.

Now, that info comes with a spoiler alert. In other words, if you don’t want to know who wins the battle we’ll see at the start of tonight’s show, stop reading now.

If you read on, you’ll find a list of each coaches remaining singers (blind audition chair turns in parenthesis) those knockout matches and a bit of insight on what I think will happen this round.

Not that each coach will have one steal and one save this round. There’s also going to be something called the super save.

Combine the trio, and it’s quite possible all three singers could survive a knockout match.

Note that John Legend’s team includes seven four-chair turns and an eighth singer who turned every chair she could during her audition.

Also note that the show eliminated six four-chair turns during the battles — Dylan Carter
Ephraim Owens, JaRae Womack, Laura Williams, Talakai and Willie Gomez.

Team Gwen (24)

Bias (2)
Chechi Sarai (4)
Corii (1, stolen from Team Reba)
Jason Arcilla (2)
Jenna Marquis (3)
Kara Tenae (3)
Kristen Brown (2)
RUDI (4)
Tanner Massey (3, stolen from Team Niall)

The knockout matches

* Tanner Masey vs. RUDI vs. Chechi Sarai
* Bias vs. Jason Arcilla vs. Jenna Marquis
* Kara Tenea vs. Kristen Brown vs. Corii

My take: Hmm, three of my favorite battle round performances from this team were delivered by Chechi, RUDI and Tanner. And they’re going head to head. Bias has the distinct edge among his trio. That said, we didn’t get to hear much of Jenna’s battle. And we haven’t seen Kara’s yet.

Team Legend (33)

Brandon Montel (4, stolen from Team Gwen)
Caleb Sasser (4)
Deejay Young (3)
Kaylee Shimizu (4)
Lila Forde (4)
Mac Royals (4, stolen from Team Reba)
Mara Justine (4)
Stee (4)
Taylor Deneen (2) *

* Only 2 coaches had spots remaining on their teams when she auditioned

The knockout matches

* Mac Royals vs. Taylor Deneen vs. Brandon Montel
* Kaylee Shimizu vs. Mara Justine vs. Caleb Sasser
* Lila Forde vs. Stee vs. Deejay Young

My take: I’m a little surprised John is pitting Mara Justine and Kaylee Shimizu head to head in the knockouts. Both look like Season 24 front-runners to me. Lila has an interesting opportunity to stand out when pitted about two guys with similar styles. It’ll be interesting to see how Mac Royals does this round. I thought his steal was the most questionable of the battle round. Then again, he was asked to pull off one of the round’s worst song choices (The Bee Gee’s “How Deep is Your Love”).

Team Nail (28)

Alexa Wildish (4)
AZAN (2, stolen from Team Legend)
Huntley (4)
Claudia B (3, stolen from Team Legend)
Julia Roome (2)
Lennon Vaderdoes (3)
Nini Iris (4)
Noah Spencer (3)
Olivia Minogue (3)

The knockout matches

* Nini Iris vs. AZAN vs. Olivia Minogue
* Huntley vs. Claudi B. vs Noah Spencer
* Alexa Wildish vs. Julia Roome vs Lennon Vanderdoes

My take: Nini Iris will make the playoffs and, with the right song choices, might win Season 24. After that, for all his success in luring talented ladies to his team, Niall’s biggest threats might be the guys — Huntley, Noah Spencer and Lennon Vanderdoes. All three have distinct voices and have been incredibly impressive to this point.

Team Reba (21)

Alison Albrecht (1)
Caitlin Quisenberry (2)
Eizabeth Evans (2, stolen from Team Legend)
Rachele Nguyen (1)
Jacquie Roar (4, stolen from Team Gwen)
Jordan Rainer (4)
Ms. Monet (2)
Ruby Leigh (4)
Tom Nitti (1)

The knockout matches

* Ruby Leigh vs. Ms. Monet vs. Rachele Nguyen
* Jacquie Roar vs. Tom Nitti vs. Alison Albrecht
* Jordan Rainer vs. Caitlin Quinsenbery vs. Elizabeth Evans

My take: As poised as she is on stage, I keep forgetting Ruby Leigh was just 16 when she auditioned. Mark her as the team member most certain to make the playoffs. Jacquie Roar was exceptional in the battles. Jordan Rainer wasn’t, but turned four chairs, has the musical resume to back it up and was pulled way out of her comfort zone for that performance. I’m also intrigued by Elizabeth Evans’ combination of vocal firepower and singer-songwriter mystique.

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