American Idol

A look at Idol Chatter’s favorites from genre night on American Idol

Kimmy Gabriela performs during the opening round of Hollywood Week on American Idol Season 18. (ABC Photo)

Kimmy Gabriela performs during the opening round of Hollywood Week on American Idol Season 18. (ABC Photo)


American Idol decided to shake things up during Hollywood Week for Season 18.

So instead of initial performances by groups of 10, the singers were broken up and judged by genre.

And when Hollywood Week resumes Sunday, it’ll be with duets, not the group round performances that have caused so much drama in the past.

The genre challenge came first, and we were re-introduced to lots of singers we met during the audition episodes.

Here goes the recap, with my favorites in each category.

Oh, and the list of singers who advanced and were eliminated is by no means complete. Idol invited more than 160 singers to Hollywood Week, and the show simply doesn’t keep viewers updated on the fate of them all.


Favs: Shannon Gibbons, 20, Long Island, N.Y., delivered a wonderful, slowed-down version of Kodaline’s “All I Want.” And Kimmy Gabriela, 17, from Lakeland, Fla., wowed the judges again, and rightfully so, with a superb cover of “Say Something.” There’s something captivating about that young girl’s voice.

Also advancing: Louis Knight, Genevieve Linkowski, Rob Taylor, Demi Rae, Bilaal Abvaz, Margie Mays, Nick Merio

Eliminated: Kay Genese


Favs: Dillon James, 26, Bakersfield, Calif., who shared his story of sobriety during the audition round, impressed with an unexpected song choice, Billy Joel’s “Vienna.” Arthur Gunn, 27, of Wichita, Kansas, proved his blind audition was no fluke with an excellent twist on “Hard to Handle” prompting Lionel Richie to compare him to Bob Marley.

Also advanced: Julia Gargano, Sofia Schuster, Adam Curry, Francisco, Martin, Jonny West

Eliminated: Marna Michele


Fav: I’ve never watched America’s Got Talent, so I missed Makayla Phillips when she appeared a couple years back. But the 17-year-old from Temecula, Calif., looks and sounds ready to challenge for The Season 18 Idol title. That cover of “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going” was excellent.

Also advanced: Just Sam, Cyniah Elise


Fav: Jovin Webb, 28, of Gonzales, La., reminded us of that wonderful grit in his voice during a cover of “Make It Rain.” It might have been the best male vocal we heard all night.

Also advanced: Sophia Wackerman, Amber Fiedler

Eliminated: Doug Kiker


Fav: Lauren Mascitti, 27, of Nashville, auditioned with an original song. She impressed me even more with her Hollywood Week cover of “Don’t it Make Your Brown Eyes Blue.”

Also advanced: Grace Leer, Hannah Prestridge

Editor’s Note: Not sure what American Idol is doing in terms of the videos available from tonight’s episode. They’ve posted some singers who didn’t advance, missed several who did. If they add more videos later, I’ll add them as well.

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