The Voice

Amber Sauer talks about her time on The Voice


Amber Sauer performs during the blind auditions on The Voice Season 14. (NBC Photo)

Amber Sauer performs during the blind auditions on The Voice Season 14. (NBC Photo)

Amber Sauer’s strong performance of “Shape of You” earned her a spot on Team Kelly Clarkson — and the very last spot on Season 14 of The Voice.

She turned in another strong performance in a battle round match with Jorge Eduardo that was aired on the show Tuesday.

But Kelly declared Eduardo the winner and no one stole Amber, ending her run on the show.

Still, Amber calls The Voice experience a “win-win” and says she’s already starting working on post-show ventures, both in music and acting.

Voice Views: I know the battles were filmed a while back. What have you been doing musically since then?

Amber: I have been working with some close producer friends of mine since we filmed the battle round. I am working on new music, great cover content, as well as some other exciting projects involving film, modeling, commercials, and theatre. Fans, new and old can expect to hear a lot from me moving forward.

Voice Views: Where do you see your time on the show leading you musically?

Amber: The Voice gave me a glimpse of what life is really like as a fulltime recording artist. I have been in the music game for some time now, so I had a good idea of what I wanted to do, but this opportunity really gave me a different perspective and allowed me to begin to think of myself as a brand. It really helped me bring to life what that looked and sounded like in real time, in a very real industry.

Musically, I have never liked boxes, lol. However, I feel that pop/soul is nice way to blend the direction of my sound at this point. That does not mean that you won’t hear many different eclectic influences in my music. I can’t wait to share it with The Voice community and beyond.

Voice Views: Do you envision releasing more music anytime soon and, if so, what can you tell me about that?

Amber: That is definitely in the works, and I will be providing more updates on this as they become available. You can expect to hear some great material from me very soon.

Voice Views: I know you’ve done some acting as well. Do you have any other entertainment-related projects in the works?

Amber: I recently took a meeting and began working with a wonderful agency who will help me garner more commercials, and acting projects as well as modeling and voice-over work. It is a beautiful partnership and I believe we are going to do some great things together. This is actually a very exciting piece of my journey right now, as I have always done local theater, and commercial background work. I am thrilled to showcase the diversity in my talents, and take my brand to another level.

Voice Views: Do you think you grew as an artist as a result of The Voice experience? If so, in what way?

Amber: Absolutely! I’m not sure that you can go through an experience like this and not grow from it in some way, either as an artist or a person. I am extremely proud of the focus and intense thought that I gave to myself and this entire experience. I knew going in, that there were no guarantees of anything, so I wanted to really dive into the process and allow as much growth in myself as an artist as possible. I didn’t necessarily plan on the personal growth that was unrelated to my artistry, but it has been a welcome discovery. I wake up every day with the intention of being the best version of myself possible, and The Voice really gave me the tools and support needed to facilitate that in a real way.

Voice Views: Other than the new friends you made, what do you think you’ll remember most about the experience?

Amber: Well, you hit the nail on the head in the beginning of this question. I also never expected to develop the relationships that I have within this community. But, what a joy it is to spend this much quality time with other like-minded individuals in a supportive space where you can all be great!

I will remember mostly the people behind the scenes, and all of the interesting jobs that they have. To someone like me, they are imperative to the daily success of us as artists. From the wonderful production staff helping us at the studios/hotels, to the amazing and highly creative hair/makeup/wardrobe department, this has, hands down, been one of the best experiences of my life.

You get the sense that everyone genuinely cares about you, not only as a person, but as an artist. They all work hand in hand to make sure that we, as creatives, feel heard and are given the space to allow that energy to cultivate in a captivating way that viewers can get into. I only feel blessed to have had the opportunity to focus on my craft in such an intense way, that it might allow me the chance to continue on long after the show. I could never forget any moment of this experience and will take them with me forever.

— For info on Amber’s career as a background vocalist before The Voice and more, head here. Amber’s social media links follow.

Twitter: @ambersauer

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