Season 9, Season 9 Auditions, Tori Kelly

Cannon fodder or real talent? The latter in Tori Kelly’s case


Tori KellyWas it just me, or did it seem like American Idol was showcasing lots of cannon fodder tonight?

Meaning, contestants talented enough to make it to Hollywood, but probably not serious threats to go deep into the competition. Or, in many cases, even make the semifinals.

Wish I could hear more of Haeley Vaughn, who wants to be a black pop/country singer. She’s got the Idol look and personality, but I was less than thrilled with her rendition of “Last Name.” Anyone know if any of her music is available online?

Nicci Nix, the gal with the high-pitched voice? You must be kidding.

Nor was I thrilled by Kimberly Kerbow, Mark Labriola or Casey James, though the gals seemed to think the latter had the Idol look. Can’t find any of his music online either, though his MySpace mentions working on an album at some point.

The most distinctive voice of the evening belonged to Danelle Hayes, the gal who broke into tears talking about the tribulations of trying to make it in the music business.

Head to YouTube and you can find several high-quality audio, low-quality video versions of her singing, accompanied only by a piano. Selections include “Desperado” and “Killing Me Softly.”

A sleeper among Tuesday’s crop of golden ticket recipients might be Tori Kelly, the 16-year-old high school student from Calfornia. She’s the gal who was accompanied into the audition room by a girl named Hope who drew pictures of all the judges.

I wasn’t exactly blown away by Tori’s version of John Mayer’s “Gravity” during her Idol audition. But she has experience in these types of competitions, as a former contestant on America’s Most Talented Kids.

More importantly, she has an impressive roster of songs on her MySpace page. Check out “Tongue Tied,” “Shine” and a ballad called “You Caught Me.” Sounds like she’s beyond singing Idol covers already.

There are 10 songs all told. And Tori says all of the songs “are written, produced and recorded 100 percent by me.” And she’s only 16? Maybe 17 by now?

Like I said, impressive, very impressive.

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