Danny Gokey, Season 8, Season 8 finals

Idol finals week 10 live results: Danny Gokey heads home


Danny Gokey awaits a judges' critique with Ryan Seacrest. Danny's Idol run ended Wednesday night.

First, Simon Cowell predicts Adam Lambert should win American Idol.

And now Yahoo has jumped aboard the Lambert bandwagon.

Yahoo claims to have accurately predicted the winner of Idol for the past three years by analyzing its search and buzz data. Among the most important data: searches conducted by woman between the ages of 35 and 64.

Think Danny Gokey and Kris Allen are this year’s Idol heartthrobs?

Think again. Yahoo says Adam enjoys a tenfold lead over the other two remaining contestants. And the company says that should translate into an American Idol victory.

Of course, he has to survive Wednesday’s results show first. After all, nothing is guaranteed on Idol.

That’s why it was so nice of Simon to remind viewers on Tuesday not to make assumptions, but to be sure to vote for their favorite.

Apparently they listened. Ryan just said 81 million votes were cast Tuesday. And that only 1 million votes separated the top and second-place vote-getters.

As I said, no guarantees on Idol.

Meanwhile, settle in folks. I figure we have a while to wait before Ryan reveals any results this evening.

But we’ll be treated to plenty of music, including appearances by season six champ Jordin Sparks and Katy Perry.

Well, Ryan has called Danny Gokey center stage and appears ready to give him his results. If he does, you know Danny made it through.

But Ryan doesn’t cough up anything yet. No surprise there.

And now we get to hear Jordin Sparks’ new single, “Battlefield.” Way to go, Jordin. Sounds like you have another hit on your hands. And sounded much better than most of the new Idol music that has been performed on the show this season.

Next up, Katy Perry. Then we will finally get to the results. Katy is singing her new single, “Waking Up in Vegas,” and showing her preference for Adam Lambert. That was his name stitched on the cape she was wearing when the song started.

And, finally, at 9:55 p.m., we’d better be getting down to some results, or the show will run late again.

Here we go.

The first person competing in next week’s finale is: Kris Allen. Wow, a surprise!

The second person competing in next week’s finale is: Adam Lambert. And that, of course, is most deserved.

Hey, the voters got it right!

Danny Gokey is heading home.

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