Season Seven, Season Seven Semifinals

Idol guys hardly special in week two


OK, it’s week two of the singing competiton on American Idol. Performers are supposed to have shaken off the first-week jitters.

And, you know what, the guys seemed more relaxed Tuesday night.

But that didn’t translate into dramatically better performances. For every guy who took a step forward in week two, someone else took a step back. Sorry FOX, but this group just isn’t living up to its billing as the best contestant field ever. Not by a long shot. Not so far.

And, by now, you probably already know about the show’s first controversy of the year. About how several of the performers — including Michael Johns among the guys — already had record deals and failed to make it big.

Producers say it’s no big deal. That none of the contestants are breaking the rules because they don’t have a current record deal.

But we’re certainly led to believe we’re watching an amateur competition, aren’t we? Otherwise, why all those excruciating audition shows?

The highlights and lowlights of the guy’s performances in week two:

Best of the bunch:

Tuesday’s show was absolutely mundane until David Cook stepped up to the mike, guitar in hand and rocked the crowd with a rousing rendition of “All Right Now.” Then young David Archuleta closed out the night with an even better version of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” prompting the judges to rightly declare him an early favorite very early in this competition.

Deserves to go home:

Last week, I hoped for a second chance for Luke Menard. He got it, and promptly murdered “Killer Queen.” Enough. Put him out of his misery. And this week, Danny Noriega matched his nauseating personality with a nauseating version of “Superstar.” Hopefully, we’ll see the last of him on Thursday’s elimination show.

Please keep them:

Jason Castro got worse than he deserved from the judges after a unique turn on Andy Gibbs ‘”I Just Want To Be Your Everything” (think Bee Gees). Especially considering that Michael Johns’ rendition of “Go Your Own Way” made me want to run and listen to Fleetwood Mac as quickly as possible to get his version out of my head. And he’s supposed to be a polished performer? Chikezie, who found himself on the bubble last week, did far better in week two.

Please send him home:

Danny Noriega owns this spot in the blog until he’s gone, gone, gone.

Early favorite among the guys:

Last week, I predicted Michael Johns was a sure bet to make the final 12. I stick by that, even though he had an off night Tuesday. This week, add David Archuleta to the list of sure bets. No way he’s going home anytime soon.

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