The Voice

Jake Wells talks about a last-second chair turn


Jake Wells listens to feedback following his blind audition on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jake Wells listens to feedback following his blind audition on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jake Wells admits he had pretty much given up on a coach’s chair turning for his blind audition on The Voice.

And when it finally did happen, it came so last-second, he wasn’t sure whether or not a celebration was in order.

It was. Adam Levine had indeed turned for Jake’s cover of “When the Stars Go Blue” in time to give the 23-year-old a spot on the show.

Even if Jake wasn’t so sure.

“To be honest with you, in the last bit of my performance, I had accepted the fact that it looked like I wasn’t going to get a chair turn,” Jake told Voice Views.

“I thought that I knew pretty clearly where the chairs would have turned in that song,” he explained. “You know, that song is so beautiful, but it doesn’t have huge moments. So I really tried to capture what it had.

“And when a chair didn’t turn there near the end of the song I was, like, ‘Okay, I think I’m going to just perform a beautiful song for the people in this room and that’s going to be the extent of it.’

“And then I remember closing my eyes and when I opened them back up all of the chairs were being turned around. Adam was so last minute that it was, like, a split second ahead of the other three coaches.

“And so in the very beginning portion of that moment, I was so disoriented, I wasn’t sure if I should celebrate because I wasn’t positive that he had turned around or if maybe it was just a fluke. So I didn’t want to prematurely celebrate.”

Adam not only turned, he complimented Jake on having “the most unique tone” he’d heard in Season 15 and marveled that some of his colleagues didn’t turn as well.

Though that might not have mattered considering Team Adam is where Jake wanted to wind up all along.

“Adam was who I was hoping for from the very beginning of this process,” the singer-songwriter from Kansas City said. “And having that come to fruition and seeing that come together was absolutely just mind-blowingly awesome.”

We’ll see Jake next during the battle round on The Voice. For more on him and the music he’s already released, head here.

The blind auditions conclude Monday on The Voice.

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