After The Voice

Julia Cooper, Cody Belew, Blind Joe release singles


Recent post-Voice releases include singles from Julia Cooper, Cody Belew and Blind Joe.

Here’s a bit about each of those releases.

The links take you to the songs on Apple Music.

Julia Cooper from The Voice Season 19 in her Sugar Crush music video

Julia Cooper from The Voice Season 19 in her Sugar Crush music video.

* Julia Cooper from Season 19 recently released “Sugar Rush,” her first single since the show. “It started with making a love song with candy references, because I think that is cute, and it just blossomed from there. We made it as universal as possible while sticking to my roots,” she told the Business Journal, referring to herself and producer Gabriel Reese. There’s also an accompanying music video, directed by Joel Dudzik.

Cody Belew from The Voice Season 3

Cody Belew from The Voice Season 3

* Cody Belew from Season 3 released “Crimes Reloaded” on Friday. He says the song was inspired by a news story he read about a lesbian couple attacked on a train somewhere in Europe. The rage he felt as a gay male resulted in what he calls a violent song, with a glimmer of hope at the end. “”You’ll never break this out of a person or a group of people, no matter how many eons it’s been tried. There are alwasy going to be people like me and those women on that train who, really, are just trying to live their own human experience. We’re great in number and if we stick together I think that hopefully there will be a happy ending to the story of gay people But right this second, we need to stay on our toes.”

Blind Joe from The Voice Season 9

Blind Joe from The Voice Season 9

* Blind Joe from Season 9 dropped a new song to streaming sites Friday called “Hello Huntin’.” He calls it the North Dakota tribute song he wrote for his dad. It follows “Cuss in Country,” “Light of Her Love” and “I Will Not Comply” as the fourth single of 2021 for Blind Joe.

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