Season Seven, Season Seven Finals

Keep Syesha, boot David Archuleta on Idol


Bye, bye, David Archuleta.

Oh, well, an Idol fan can dream, right?

After watching last night’s show — and reviewing performances from every week since the final 12 began with the help of YouTube — there’s no doubt in my mind the two most talented performers in this year’s competition are David Cook and Syesha Mercado.

Both have shown remarkable versatility and consistency. Both look incredibly comfortable on stage.

Neither ever stumbled as badly as David Archuleta did in week one of the finals (singing “We Can Work it Out”), week three of the finals (singing “You’re the Voice), or last night when he tried to sing Chris Brown’s “With You.”

But fans seem to go gaga every time David A. takes the stage, so perhaps they prefer a one-dimensional performer who only sounds good when he’s singing a gooey pop ballad.

There’s been speculation that Idol judges and producers have been rooting for a David vs. David showdown in the finals, and that sure came through loud and clear last night.

Here’s hoping voters spoil their plans.

This week’s rundown …

Best of the bunch: When I read that Simon had selected Roberta Flack’s “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” for David Cook to sing … well, it was baffling. Have no fear. This year’s Idol rocker has proved time and again he can sing as well as he can rock.

Worst of the bunch: The hands down worst effort of the night came when little David A. tried to imitate Chris Brown by performing “With You.” Wow, that was bad. Surprise, surprise. Happens every time David tries to go up tempo.

Please keep her: Syesha Mercado did well enough to stick around for the finals, regardless of what the judges said and despite the fact that she was handed a turkey of a final song (“Hit Me Up” from the “Happy Feet” soundtrack) while David A. was served up the proverbial fastball in his wheelhouse (yep, another pop ballad, Dan Fogelberg’s “Longer.”)

Baffled by the judges: What the heck was Simon doing proclaiming that David A. had done enough to make the finals before Syesha or David C. even sang their final song? That sure won’t do anything to quell suspicion that the judges have done their best to manufacture a David vs. David showdown.

Best line of the night from the judges: After hearing David A. butcher “With You,” Simon compared it to watching a “chihuahua trying to be a tiger.” And that summed it up pretty well. Most surprising, the song choice was all David’s.

Surprise of the night: Syesha turned up the heat with her self-selected song, “Fever,” and got lukewarm reviews from the judges, who must have had their ears and eyes shut. Was it the best performance of the night? No. Was it worlds better than David A.’s “With You.” Absolutely. But perhaps Syesha’s number, complete with chair dancing, made David A. blush

Prediction for Wednesday: If judges and producers have their way, Syesha will be gone, gone, gone. Again, here’s hoping voters see it differently.

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