Kellie Pickler, New Idol Music

Kellie Pickler’s new album due out in November


Looks like the American Idol album release calendar for the rest of 2013 is filling up nicely.

The latest addition: Kellie Pickler plans to release her fourth album on Nov. 12, according to an article in The Rolling Stone.

Kellie Pickler at the CMT Awards earlier this year. (AP Photo)

Kellie Pickler at the CMT Awards earlier this year. (AP Photo)

Kellie has released two singles since winning Dancing With the Stars last spring — “Someone Somewhere Tonight,” which just might be my favorite individual Idol song so far in 2013, and the more lighthearted “Little Bit Gypsy.”

Though neither has caught on yet with country radio, Kellie’s first album under the Black River Entertainment record label will be coming out at the height of the holiday shopping season, when the market is typically flooded with new music releases.

The album will be called “The Woman I Am.” It will be produced by Frank Liddell and Luke Wooten, the same team that was behind her January 2012 album, “100 Proof.”

That album debuted at number seven on the Billboard 200, but also hung around on that chart for just five weeks.

It also marked a new approach for Kellie, who moved away from the pop-country flavor of her first two albums for a more traditional country sound.

“I love that classic, traditional sound. I love that tear in Tammy Wynette’s voice,” Pickler told The Rolling Stone. “There’s still a little bit of that sound that we did on the last record, but it’s not the same album.”

For the full Rolling Stone story, during which Kellie also talks about several of the new songs that will appear on the album, head here.

“Someone Somewhere Tonight”

“Littie Bit Gypsy”

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