After The Voice

New album coming from Terry McDermott and friends next year


Terry McDermottFor those who haven’t heard, Terry McDermott — the rocker who won over so many fans on Season 3 of The Voice — is working on new music.

But this isn’t a solo venture. He’s working on a new album with Lotus Crush, the band he fronted before appearing on The Voice.

Lotus Crush also includes Peter Klett and Scott Mercado, both of Candlebox, and John Luzzi, of Miggs. They plan to release a single called “Hearts and Minds” in January, followed by an album, “Rabbit Hole,” next spring.

Their Pledge Music campaign to support the album and the video for “Hearts and Minds” is already at 167 percent of the goal, but there are still goodies being offered as rewards for supporting the endeavor, not to mention an opportunity to pre-order the new album.

In the campaign pitch, Lotus Crush describes the upcoming album this way: “We’re writing songs that encompass our view of the world we live in. It can be a fairly oppressive place, and it’s a difficult landscape for a kid to grow up in or a man and woman to live in.”

With Terry singing lead, Lotus Crush released a previous album, “Half Light Morning,” in 2011.

And Terry has hardly been idle since finishing second behind Cassadee Pope on Season 3 of The Voice. Just check out the scores of live performance videos on his YouTube channel.

He’s also released three solo singles — “Pictures,” “Lose This Feeling” and “In Your Eyes” — that are available on iTunes as well as a fourth and my favorite — “Hi Steppin” — with The Bonfires that was released in February.

Here’s a live version of “Black Hole Heart,” performed by Terry and John Luzzi.

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  1. Ann November 24, 2014 at 1:26 am -  Reply

    Mcblackbirdsinging is a fan’s youtube channel not Terry’s.

  2. Ann November 24, 2014 at 1:33 am -  Reply

    Thks for Terry article.

  3. vic_canuck November 24, 2014 at 5:20 pm -  Reply

    I’ve been following you and Candy Crush on twitter. Just discovered here that band mates were in much loved Candlebox..awesome! I just listened to “Black Hole Heart” and believe you can sing the phone book! Great tune! Looking forward to the new album!

  4. vic_canuck November 24, 2014 at 5:25 pm -  Reply

    Now I’m feeling bad..Lotus Crush is the band. I’m thinking I’ve been playing way too much Candy Crush..hahaha

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