The Voice

Rave reviews for Kelly Clarkson in her Voice debut


Kelly Clarkson made her debut as a coach on The Voice Monday night. (NBC Photo)

Kelly Clarkson made her debut as a coach on The Voice Monday night. (NBC Photo)

Kelly Clarkson made her debut on The Voice Monday night.

And by the end of the two-hour Season 14 premiere, it was pretty clear why NBC officials were so thrilled to have Kelly in the fold.

She was fun and funny. She was supportive of the singers auditioning for the show. She was even complimentary of the pitches made by the other coaches — usually when she wasn’t competing for the same artist.

She talked a lot. Oh, boy, did she talk.

She injected fresh energy on a show where the Blake Shelton-Adam Levine banter has grown a bit stale after 13 seasons.

And when she wanted an artists — really wanted an artist — wow, was she ever impassioned.

That was certainly the case after Justin Kilgore turned four chairs singing Chris Young’s “Tomorrow.”

Blake Shelton had been blocked, meaning Justin couldn’t select him as a coach. But Kelly still had to compete against Adam Levine and Alicia Keys to lure Justin to her team.

When there was a strange noise in the audience, Kelly was quick to capitalize.

“That was the Lord saying, ‘Pick Kelly,'” she told the singer. “That was Jesus Christ himself. Do not turn away. Follow the light.”

Moments later, Blake suggested Kelly knew little about country music.

“You are full of you know what,” Kelly replied, before switching her focus back to Justin. “Like, I live on a farm. I’ve got chickens. I’ve got honeybees. I’m just saying I am a country girl.”

Kelly impressed others as well. I asked my followers on Twitter what they thought of her as a Voice coach. Here’s some of the response.

Even a Season 13 standout weighed in.

The feeling wasn’t unanimous. One follower called Kelly “loud and obnoxious.”

But that’s one dissenter and I counted at least 20 followers who were thrilled with Kelly in the season premiere.

As for Justin Kilgore — the only four-chair turn on Monday’s show?

He was laughing along with everyone else.

Then he joined Team Kelly.

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