Season 10, Season 10 Auditions

Season 10 begins: New York, New Jersey auditions


A New Jersey contestant hoping a colorful sign will land her in front of the American Idol judges. (AP Photo)To those who have been away for a while, welcome back. It’s time for the first live American Idol blog for Season 10.

Tonight, we get to meet lots of new contestants and, likely, lots of new crazies who would do almost anything to get in front of a camera on Americn Idol.

Ah, but what we’ve really been waiting to see is this new judging panel in action, right?

Of course, let’s remember that these shows are taped. We’re seeing what the producers want us to see. The real test for J-Lo and Mr. Aerosmith comes when the live shows begin.

Still, we should learn a few things tonight. Such as whether either of our new judges is capable of being as rude as Simon.

At the end of the show, I’ll be grading the judges’ performance in a separate blog entry. So stay tuned for that.

If you have visited Idol Chatter lately, you’ll notice some changes, including a completely new design.

Also, make sure to check out a couple of the links above.

Idol CD History takes you to capsule reviews of nearly every album released by Idol finalists after their appearance on the show. OK, I still have some Jon Peter Lewis to listen to. But most of them are there.

9 Years of Idol takes you to a separate page for each Idol finalist from the first nine seasons. Once there, you’ll find video of their performances in the Idol finals (where available) and links to each contestants Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. If you know of links I haven’t found, please pass them along.

Raise the flag. Blow the bugle. Toot the horn. Whatever … here we go.

Ryan Seacrest says the first eight minutes of tonight’s show will tell us where we’ve been and where we’re going … with American Idol, of course.

We start, predictably enough, with tributes to the new judges. Steven says he wants to find the next Janis Joplin. Hmm, Idol sorta did that last year, Steven, when Crystal Bowersox made the finals. If you can find a better female singer-songwriter, kudos.

Yep, based on this opening, we might have a different cast of judges, but we’re in for the crazies we always see this time of year. Hopefully, the legit contestants will get their fair share of the focus.

After all, we’re starting in New Jersey where Idol, according to the spoiler sites, discovered quite a bit of talent. But two hours worth?

The judges might be different. Not sure the Idol editing is going to be any better.

Jennifer Lopez just said she’s been watching Idol for 10 years.

Hmm, Jennifer, this would be Season 10. The show’s only been on for nine years.

We start off the evening with Rachel Zevita, a 22-year-old student from New York, who sings … oh, no, “Hallelujah.” When will Idol get enough of this song?

That was not a very good audition, but the judges passed her through anyway. Prediction: Rachel’s Idol stint will be short-lived.

OK, I just knew we’d see Caleb Hawley tonight. The guy’s a character. Sorta a poor man’s Steve Pfoultz, for those who remember the Rugburns.

And he’s through to Hollywood. For more on Caleb, including his impersonation of a well-known female singer, go here.

Now we meet our first 15-year-old, Kenzie Palmer. And you know what? This girl can sing.

Steven isn’t feeling it. Jennifer is. Our first disagreement among the new judges. But Steven relents. Hey, it’s early. Everyone’s in an agreeable mood.

Ryan Seacrest greets the Jersey City auditioners last summer. (AP Photo)Now we get our first character, Tiffany Rios, a dance instructor who likes to flaunt her figure and demonstrates the best way to get a New Jersey hairdo. Ah, the first test for Steven Tyler.

OK, she gets an A for creativity, an F for the stars on her breasts. Oh, and an F for those high notes. Let’s see. Will Steven vote with his eyes or his ears?

The eyes win. Steven says he likes her energy. And Tiffany is Hollywood bound, despite a series of brutal high notes. This should be entertaining.

Now, for our first back-story. Robbie Rosen, a teenager who was wheelchair-bound at age 5, but who recovered from the disease that put him there. He sings “Yesterday” by the Beatles. And demonstrates the best voice we’ve heard so far tonight. Good job, Robbie. Oh, and he’s just 16.

Next up: Chris Cordeiro, a future Eagle Scout who’s going to sing “My Way” and make us hope we never hear that rendition of the song again. Steven’s reaction to Randy: “Dawg, you should be howling.”

Oh, boy, Idol is on a roll with the characters now. We get Michael Perotto, who belches when he’s nervous and belches a lot. We won’t be seeing him in Hollywood.

Then comes Ashley Sullivan, 25, a mall worker with a big voice who idolizes Britney Spears. She even carries a photo of Britney in her pocket. Ashley says she wants to be America’s first showtune pop star. And she’s begging the judges to send her to Hollywood.

Jennifer can’t take it. She and Steven relent, and Jennifer and what Steven calls her “unbridled enthusiasm” is heading to Hollywood. Steven vows to “work that into something good.”

Victoria Huggins is another teen with a big dream. And lots of character. And lots of spunk. And an adorable southern accent. Randy Jackson proclaims her as the contestant with the most personality ever.

And day one of the New Jersey auditions ends with Melinda Ademi, a 16-year-old student from Kosovo who turns out to be another teen with a decent voice. She, too, is Hollywood bound.

Devyn Rush is the next young lady headed to Hollywood, though Steven says “someone needs to take her shopping” for a new wardrobe after she leaves the audition room.

Another character — Yoji “Pop” Asano, who claims to have been imitating Michael Jackson since before he was born. So what does he sing? Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA.” Oh, no. Say it ain’t so.

More back-stories:

Meet Brielle Von Hugel, a 16-year-old from Staten Island whose dad was diagnosed with throat cancer just before her Sweet 16. She sings “Endless Love” well enough to get a golden ticket to Hollywood.

Meet Travis Orlando, a 16-year-old who grew up on the mean streets of the Bronx and spent time living in a shelter. He sings “Eleanor Rigby.” And along with Robbie Rosen, turns in one of the best vocals of opening night of Idol. And he, too, heads to Hollywood.

Gotta tell you, the contestants who impressed me tonight were Travis Orlando and Robbie Rosen.

And that wraps up night one of American Idol season 10.

Coming up, grades for the judges.

Coming tomorrow, a live blog on the New Orleans auditions.

Editor’s Note: Follow Idol Chatter on Twitter or Facebook. You can also access the blog on your cell phone by downloading the free York Dispatch app from iTunes.

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