The Voice

Social media stats point to Team Blake as biggest threat to Jordan Smith


Barrett Baber congratulates Emily Ann Roberts on advancing on The Voice last week. (NBC Photo)

Barrett Baber congratulates Emily Ann Roberts on advancing on The Voice last week. (NBC Photo)

There was precious little change in the social media rankings over the past week on The Voice.

Korin Bukowski moved up one spot in terms of Facebook popularity. And that’s it.

But if the rankings remain mostly unchanged, the numbers seem to indicate that Jordan Smith biggest threat in a seemingly inevitable run for the Season 9 crown is likely to come from Team Blake.

Three of the contestants making the biggest gains on social media this week were Zach Seabaugh, Emily Ann Roberts and Barrett Baber. And that would seem to indicate that all three are gaining in popularity.


* Jordan remains number one on The Voice in terms of Twitter followers. But Barrett and Emily Ann both picked up more followers than Jordan did over the past week. Barrett’s 8,700 new fans topped everyone.

* Zach continues to be the show’s leader in terms of Instagram followers and widened that lead in the past week by picking up 11,600 new ones, more than any other contestant. Ranking second on Instagram and gaining the second most over the past week: Emily Ann.

* Jordan also leads in terms of Facebook fans. But the two contestants right behind him in most fans gained over the past week were Barrett and Emily Ann.

Below are the rankings for all the contestants as of 8 p.m. Saturday. The number in parenthesis is the number of fans or follower picked up in the past seven days. The links take you to each contestant’s social media accounts.

Check back tomorrow for a look at the latest rankings of the remaining singers on The Voice. There will be lots of changes in that list.


Jordan Smith — 40,873 (+4,614)
Barrett Baber — 32,882 (+2,916)
Emily Ann Roberts — 15,930 (+3,112)
Amy Vachal — 13,292 (+2,156)
Zach Seabaugh — 12,731 (+1,914)
Shelby Brown — 9,601 (+627)
Braiden Sunshine — 6,669 (+1,326)
Madi Davis — 4,594 (+931)
Korin Bukowski — 4,499 (+1,080)
Jeffery Austin — 4,242 (+717)


Jordan Smith — 33,700 (+6,600)
Zach Seabaugh — 33,300 (+6,600)
Barrett Baber — 29,8000 (+8,700)
Emily Ann Roberts — 24,800 (+7,100)
Korin Bukowski — 19,900 (+6,900)
Braiden Sunshine — 16,200 (+3,800)
Amy Vachal — 14,800 (+3,400)
Shelby Brown — 9700 (2,050)
Madi Davis — 9,263 (1,913)
Jeffery Austin — 8,689 (2,230)


Zach Seabaugh — 55,200 (+11,600)
Emily Ann Roberts — 35,800 (+8,500)
Jordan Smith — 28,500 (+6,100)
Amy Vachal — 20,300 (+4,400)
Braiden Sunshine — 19,500 (+4,000)
Barrett Baber –17,6000 (+4,600)
Korin Bukowski — 14,200 (+3,200)
Madi Davis — 13,700 (+2,900)
Shelby Brown — 10,300 (+2,186)
Jeffery Austin — 8,427 (+2,315)

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