The Voice

Song by song grades for Team Miley on The Voice


Brooke Simpson performs during the live playoffs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Brooke Simpson performs during the live playoffs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Adam Pearce is having a little fun with his role in hers-tory.

The Louisiana rocker is now the only male on the all-female Team Miley Cyrus.

So he posted a photo of himself in a little black dress and tattered fishnet stockings to his Facebook page.

Miley picks her three finalists tonight, so by 10 p.m. we’ll have a final 12 for Season 13.

Barring major stumbles, I’ve gotta think Brooke Simpson and Ashland Craft are finals bound. That leaves four singers vying for the final spot, including comeback artist Karl Webster.

Brooke Simpson
Song: “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by James Brown
My take: OK, and apparently Brooke picked her song just like Jon did on Team Adam. Don’t get this. Some contestants get to select what they sing while others get stuck with what their coach picks? Nothing imaginative about this selection; it’s been done to death on singing shows. But it’s great for showing off a big voice, and Brooke does just that. She turns in a great performance to kick off the show and pretty much assures herself a spot in the finals in the process. Grade: B+

Karli Webster
Song: “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton
My take: My guess is that Karli didn’t pick this song. And Miley’s comeback artist might be better off if the public was voting because she did very well on iTunes the two times she had the chance. Karli does a very nice job with the song, but didn’t change it up much. My hunch: She needed to make a statement with a more imaginative song choice and a more imaginative arrangement to make the finals on this power-packed team. Grade: B

Adam Pearce
Song: “Love Hurts” by Nazareth
My take: Confession, I’m a fan of Nazareth. But, again, I’m not sure this is the rock song to make the kind of impression Adam is going to need to make to advance on Team Miley. I would much have preferred if every singer got to pick their own song. Adam poured everything into that performance, but I missed the growl from the original. Solid performance, but it won’t get Adam into the finals. Grade: C+

Ashland Craft
Song: “When I Think About Cheatin’” by Gretchen Wilson
My take: Ashland is going to have to stumble badly not to make the finals because, as Blake noted, Miley is eager to take a country singer into the finals. I’m missing the sassy, spunky Ashland as she tackles this ballad. She did a solid job though. She was especially impressive over the last minute or so when she added her growl to that vocal. Grade: B

Moriah Formica
Song: “World Without You” by Beth Hart
My take: Says Moriah: “Miley has pushed me out of my comfort zone a little bit.” In other words, this wasn’t her song choice either. Wow, for a song that wasn’t her choice, Moriah did a heck of a nice job with that. Great opening. The vocal strayed once or twice, but she displayed so much power. And not a single sign of nerves for a young rocker who just completed her junior year of high school. Grade: B+

Janice Freeman
Song: “Fall for You” by Leela James
My take: Well, they’re showing Janice last, and I doubt the performances were filmed in that order, so something pretty special must be coming. Which is going to leave Miley with an incredibly difficult decision. Yep, a sterling vocal from Janice. Not surprised. I’ve seen enough of her videos to know she’s one heck of a singer. A performance loaded with emotion too. A few too many vocal acrobatics for my taste, but that’s a minor quibble. Grade: A–

Wow, like I said, the members of Team Miley are making this tough for their coach.

Based solely on tonight’s performances, I’d have to go with: Brooke, Moriah and Janice.

Miley’s choices: Ashland, Brooke and Janice.

It’s going to be very interesting to watch the iTunes results from tonight. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted.

And keep checking back for previews of next week’s finals.

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