Auditions, The X Factor

The X Factor premiere: Not worth anyone’s time


Yep, The X Factor still sucks.

I figured I’d give the show a chance Wednesday night when the Season 3 premiere aired.

Rion Paige performs on The X Factor. (FOX Photo)

Rion Paige performs on The X Factor. (FOX Photo)

Nothing that I saw convinced me Season 3 will be any less of a mess than Season 1 or Season 2.

Same overblown drama as before. Same over-reliance on bad auditions that ceased being funny years ago.

Same smart-alecky Simon Cowell making snide remarks. Like telling a guy who just butchered the Titanic theme song that he “did a better job than the iceberg. You just killed that song.”


Once upon a time, Simon was the best thing about American Idol. He was the credible judge who said what everyone else should have said.

After two years of the X Factor, his credibility is shot. That’s what happens when you try to convince us a one-hit wonder like Chris Rene, a spoiled brat like Astro and an untalented trio like Emblem 3 should be the next big thing in order to boost your show’s ratings.

Of course, it doesn’t help that the first two X Factor winners turned out to have very little X Factor.

Season 1 winner Melanie Amaro has yet to release an album. But she did recently appear in an X Factor special — aired in Indonesia.

Season 2 winner Tate Stevens released an album. It tanked. He no longer has a record deal with RCA Nashville.

Against that backdrop, you’d think the X Factor Season 3 premiere would have one goal — convince us that the talent level is going to be off the charts.

Lillie McCloud performs on The X Factor. (FOX Photo)

Lillie McCloud performs on The X Factor. (FOX Photo)

Wednesday’s episode started OK, introducing us to a good-looking 23-year-old from L.A. named Carlito Olivero, who delivered an impassioned version of Rihanna’s “Stay.”

What followed Carlito?

About a half-dozen off-the-chart bad auditions.

By the end of the one-hour episode, we had met just three other advancing artists, 54-year-old Lillie McCloud, who looks more like she’s 34; the duo of Alex and Sierra, who are very much in love; and a 13-year-old Carrie Underwood fan named Rion Paige, who was born with a birth defect.

And by my count, that’s a ratio of about 25 commercials per advancing contestant.

OK, I exaggerate. But not by much.

The one bit of good news on the singing show front …

The Voice returns Sept. 23.

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1 Comment

  1. Peter November 8, 2013 at 4:22 pm -  Reply

    This show sucks next to “The Voice”. Talent is poor and song choices suck. Also, the allowing of the audience to yell and scream throughout every song whether a rocking redition or a balad just distroys the joy of listen to us who are out here in tv land. The judges leave a lot to be desired but it’s all about the contestants. That said there is a lot more talent out there than this show brings to America. I agree Simon should not be so much of a smart ass but he does give the more honest evaluations though I don’t always agree with him. This show should go away as we’ve stopped watching it and whoever wins like last winner will go no where as none have the talent to be stars.

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