Season 13

Sam Woolf heads home on American Idol


Thank you to the two bold and brave American Idol contestants who voted no tonight.

Because before they did, I was about to throw something at the TV.

And curse the show as loud as I could.

American Idol judges Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez and Harry Connick Jr. respond to a performance Wednesday night on American Idol. (FOX Photo)

American Idol judges Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez and Harry Connick Jr. respond to a performance Wednesday night on American Idol. (FOX Photo)

In case you missed it, the remaining five on Idol were given a choice tonight.

They could vote to keep everyone safe for another week.

Or they could vote to send one contestant home as normal.

But in order to follow the first option, the vote would need to be unanimous. And two contestants would go home next week.

Huh? I mean, as in we’d start all over next week? As though the two hours of performances last night, followed by frantic voting didn’t happen?

For crying out loud, Idol.

I was almost certain the five Idols would vote to eliminate no one tonight. After all, we’re always told what great buddies they are.

But two brave souls — thank you, thank you — decided to roll the dice and risk elimination.

And so Sam Woolf is homeward bound, as American Idol voters continued to show better judgment than the show’s three celebrity judges.

I mean, cuteness aside, Sam clearly was the least prepared to become the Season 13 American Idol. By a country mile, if Keith Urban were ever honest about it.

This is going to start all sorts of conjecture, of course. Along the lines of this: Were Idol producers unhappy with the results and hoping another week of voting would save Sam?

I mean, he was saved back in Week 7 when he probably shouldn’t have been. He’s gotten all sorts of preferential treatment throughout the competition, from the staging of his performances to the critiques from the judges.

If that was the case, this latest Idol twist backfired.

Good thing. Because now we’ve got a final four that most deserve to be there.

Earlier blog:

So, if you had to pick two finalists on American Idol at this point, who would they be?

I’ve thought for weeks Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene have earned the right to battle for the Season 13 crown.

I base that on their talent, their vocal skill and their stage presence.

And nothing that happened on the stage Wednesday night changed my opinion.

But if the Idol results mirror where the Top 5 finished on iTunes … well, we could be in for a very interesting results show.

Logic dictates that Jess Meuse goes home tonight. She landed in the bottom two the last two weeks.

On iTunes today, she did second best among the Idols, cracking the Top 200 on the site’s overall chart.

Alex Preston had far and away the most successful cover song from Wednesday’s show — “Say Something” — which was sitting at number 37 as of 2 p.m.

Sam Woolf also hit the Top 200 chart. And he was the only contestant to do that last week.

Who does that leave with the least successful singles of the week?

Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene.

This could be a very interesting results show on American Idol.

And Ryan is promising a shocking twist tonight on Idol, something that will be a game-changer.

Gee, great. Because so many of Idol’s changes have worked wonderfully this year.

But before shocking twists and game-changing decisions, we get to hear Keith Urban’s new single, “Good Thing.”

The Idols are being given a choice of someone going home tonight or no one going home and two people going home next week.

The five get to vote. And it must be unanimous.

But it isn’t unanimous. The Idols voted 3-2 in favor of keeping everyone, but it had to be unanimous.

It wasn’t, so someone must go home.

And that someone will be: Sam Woolf.

Hooray. About time.

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