American Idol, The Voice

Want a fan base? American Idol is the place to be


Alejandro Aranda, one of American Idol's social media leaders, chats with show host Ryan Seacrest. (ABC Photo)

Alejandro Aranda, one of American Idol’s social media leaders, chats with show host Ryan Seacrest. (ABC Photo)

So, you’re an aspiring singer who wants to sing on national TV and grow your fan base?

All the numbers indicate that American Idol — and not The Voice — is the place to be.

Yep, you might have to shed a few tears, because Idol loves its drama. Yep, your backstory might get twisted and tattered just a smidgen. And, yep, you might get asked about your dating life.

But in the end, the goal of being on any such show is to be seen, develop name recognition and gain fans.

And, right now, there’s no better place to be than Idol.

By Tuesday, the Top 6 on American Idol will have performed 15 times on the show. The Top 13 on The Voice will have performed five times. Both shows end the same week.

More insightful are the social media numbers below. Contestants with team affiliations are from The Voice Season 16; contestants without are singing on American Idol Season 17.

The top six in terms of Instagram support are all from Idol, and look at that gap between number six and number seven.

Six of the top seven on Twitter are from Idol, as are six of the top eight on Facebook.

Of the Idol Top 6, Laine Hardy entered Season 16 with a large fan base. How did he get it? From appearing on Idol last year.

Of the Voice contestants — Dexter Roberts and Gyth Rigdon (70,000 pre-show Facebook followers) — entered Season 16 with large fan bases.

And where did Dexter’s come from? American Idol, Season 13.

Here are social media numbers for the Idol Top 6 and The Voice Top 13, all recorded Saturday afternoon and rounded to the nearest 100.


Alejandro Aranda, 564,000
Laine Hardy, 386,000
Laci Kaye Booth, 173,000
Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, 138,000
Madison VanDenburg, 137,000
Wade Cota, 128,000
Jej Vinson (Team Kelly) 34,600
Dexter Roberts (Team Blake) 32,600
Gyth Rigdon (Team Blake) 25,800
Celia Babini (Team Legend) 20,400
Shawn Sounds (Team Legend) 18,900
Maelyn Jarmon (Team Legend) 16,900
Carter Lloyd Horne (Team Blake) 11,800
Mari Jones (Team Adam) 11,300
Kim Cherry (Team Blake) — 7,900
L.B. Crew (Team Adam) 7,500
Rod Stokes (Team Kelly) 7,100
Oliv Blu (Team Blake) 5,100
Andrew Sevener (Team Blake) 4,000


Laine Hardy, 354,400
Gyth Rigdon (Team Blake) 95,300
Dexter Roberts (Team Blake) 56,500
Laci Kaye Booth, 38,500
Alejandro Aranda, 35,700
Madison VanDenBurg, 32,700
Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, 28,000
Wade Cota, 23,200
Jej Vinson (Team Kelly) 10,400
Rob Stokes (Team Kelly) 8,500
Maelyn Jarmon (Team Legend) 5,000
L.B. Crew (Team Adam) 4,000
Andrew Sevener (Team Blake) 3,300
Shawn Sounds (Team Legend) 3,100
Kim Cherry (Team Blake)
Carter Lloyd Horne (Team Blake) 1,700
Celia Babini (Team Legend) 1,300
Oliv Blu (Team Blake) 1,100
Mari Jones (Team Adam) 700


Laine Hardy, @TheLaineHardy — 41,800
Alejandro Aranda, @scarypoolparty — 36,900
Dexter Roberts @ImDexterRoberts (Team Blake) – 24,000
Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, @jlloydharmon — 15,900
Madison VanDenburg, @MadisonV — 15,200
Wade Cota, @WadeCota — 13,200
Laci Kaye Booth, @lacikayebooth — 12,000
Jej Vinson @Jejvinson (Team Kelly) — 6.900
Gyth Rigdon @GythRigdon (Team Blake) — 4,900
Maelyn Jarmon @MaelynMusic (Team Legend) — 3,000
Oliv Blu @OlivBlu (Team Blake) — 2,000
L.B. Crew @LBCrew (Team Adam) — 2,000
Carter Lloyd Horne @CarterLHorne (Team Blake) — 1,800
Celia Babini @celiababini (Team Legend) — 1,600
Kim Cherry @kimcherrysings (Team Blake) — 1,500
Rob Stokes@rodstokesmusic (Team Kelly) — 1,500
Shawn Sounds @iamshawnsounds (Team Legend) — 1,400
Mari Jones @marijones (Team Adam) — 1,400
Andrew Sevener @andrew7ermusic (Team Blake) — 1,400

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