Amber Holcomb, Season 12, Season 12 finals

Amber Holcomb suggests a way to boost Idol’s ratings


For a contestant who missed out on one of those triumphant American Idol homecomings, Amber Holcomb seemed in a remarkably upbeat mood by the time she addressed the media in a conference call Friday afternoon.

And she made one thing crystal clear: Her ambitions go beyond music.

Amber Holcomb and Kree Harrison await word of their fate from Ryan Seacrest Thursday night. (FOX Photo)

Amber Holcomb and Kree Harrison await word of their fate from Ryan Seacrest Thursday night. (FOX Photo)

She said she’d love to model and act as well. Given her choice of any TV show to appear on, she figures “Glee” would be a nice fit.

“I see myself in magazines, on every TV channel, on billboards, at the Grammys, all that good stuff,” Amber said.

The 18-year-old from Houston, Texas, was eliminated from Idol in fourth place Thursday night.

Amber Holcomb performs on last week's episode of American Idol. (FOX Photo)

Amber Holcomb performs on last week’s episode of American Idol. (FOX Photo)

But it was an impressive finish from a young lady who got virtually no airtime until Season 12 landed in Vegas.

As for her music, Amber was asked whether she thinks she’ll need to develop a harder edge to be a commercial success.

She doesn’t think so.

“I feel like my style personally changes depending on how I’m feeling. Right now, I feel like there’s nobody like me. Why fix something that’s not broken?”

As for Idol, she’d like to see more flexibility in the themes contestants are given.

For instance, she pointed to this week’s 2013 theme, noting that we’re only five months into the year.

It would have been nice, she said, if contestants could have chosen songs from 2012 as well so they had a broader range to choose from.

Amber also offered a bold suggestion on how Idol could boost its ratings.

She suggested a season in which the show brings back former contestants — perhaps one or two from each season. Contestants deserving of a second chance. Like Jessica Sanchez. Joshua Ledet. Perhaps even herself.

“Have them all come back and just battle it out,” Amber said. “That would be so incredible, I think.”

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  1. Nancy Serwer May 3, 2013 at 9:55 pm -  Reply

    I have dowloaded all of your songs and know that you have such a bright future ahead of you. I must of watched your first My Funny Valentine 20 times and it gave me chills each time I watched. Amber you are going to be a big star and be thankful that AM I gave you the opportunity reach so many people with your beautiful voice. Just stay true to yourself and go get um….

  2. Mike Acuna May 5, 2013 at 6:25 am -  Reply

    I love you Amber but remember that complacency is so sneaky it’ll bring you down fast. Keep your feet ON the ground always. You said, “Right now, I feel like there’s nobody like me. Why fix something that’s not broken?” Please be careful with comments like this which can be taken out of context and misunderstood as overconfidence or arrogance. I wouldnt say this if I didnt truly care for you and I want for you to succeed AND be happy. Take it from Nancy Serwer, “…and be thankful that I AM gave you the opportunity (to) reach so many ppl with your beautiful voice..” -HE’s the One who brought you where you are, Amber, and He’ll give you more if you are mindful of Him and who you are.

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