Season 11, Season 11 finals

Here’s why the Idol judges haven’t used the save yet


Does it seem like the Idol judges are holding onto their save this year like the most precious of commodities?

In the last two seasons, they’d already used the save by this point.

They declined to use it on Deandre Brackensick last week, despite Jennifer’s lobbying on his behalf.

They declined to use it on Heejun Han two weeks ago, despite his popularity.

Both wise decisions.

But won’t they feel compelled to use it at some point, if only to heighten drama on a show where the save has become one of the season’s most memorable moments?


But I think there are two reasons Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler have held back on saving any of the eliminated contestants.

The reasons:  Elise Testone and Joshua Ledet.

Look over the list of the seven remaining contestants and ask yourself which ones have the makings of an Idol winner.

I’d put checks beside five names, based on vocal talent, consistency or the special moments they’ve delivered so far in Season 11.

The five? Jessica Sanchez, Phillip Phillips, Colton Dixon, Elise and Joshua.

Now, let’s ask which of the five have the most fan support.

Idol, of course, doesn’t release vote totals.  And it doesn’t allow iTunes to include the contestants’  songs on its download charts.

But every contestant has an official Twitter account and an official Facebook page.  And Idol can’t hide Facebook likes or Twitter followers.

For the first time in more than a month, I checked those figures Tuesday.  The results?


Jessica, Phillip and Colton have more than twice as many Facebook likes as the other remaining contestants.  Each has nearly more than 115,000 followers on Twitter.  None of the other contestants come within 45,000 of that number.

The other four contestants are grouped much closer together in terms of Facebook and Twitter followers.

If that’s an indication of fan support, it means Elise or Joshua could find themselves in that bottom spot on any given week, even if they are two of the best singers on the show.

When that happens … if that happens … I think you’ll see the judges use that save in a heartbeat.

Facebook likes (as of Tuesday)
1. Colton Dixon, 94,977
2. Jessica Sanchez, 82,926
3. Phillip Phillips, 67,880
4. Skylar Laine, 29,514
5. Joshua Ledet, 27,053
6. Hollie Cavanagh, 25,000
7. Elise Testone, 22,056

Twitter followers (as of Tuesday)
1. Colton Dixon, 170,126
2. Phillip Phillips, 150,351
3. Jessica Sanchez, 117,207
4. Skylar Laine, 61,863
5. Hollie Cavanagh, 51,071
6. Joshua Ledet, 45,470
7. Elise Testone, 44,025

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