The Voice

More fans voice views on Kelly Clarkson as a coach on The Voice

Kelly Clarkson makes a point on The Voice while Blake Shelton looks on. (NBC Photo)

Kelly Clarkson makes a point on The Voice while Blake Shelton looks on. (NBC Photo)


After Monday’s Season 14 premiere of The Voice, I asked my followers on Twitter to tell me what they thought of Kelly Clarkson’s debut as a coach on the show.

The immediate feedback was nearly unanimous: Kelly, they said, was a fabulous addition.

Since then, feedback has continued to pour in. It’s been a bit more mixed, so I figured it was only fair to share.

I would encourage viewers to remember this: The blind auditions are pre-taped and heavily edited.

When we watch the interaction between the singer and the coaches at the end of each performance, we’re only seeing a small portion of the conversation that really took place — the portion producers consider most imperative and most entertaining.

That said, here are some of the latest reviews of Kelly Clarkson, the new Voice coach.

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  1. PKW March 3, 2018 at 1:51 am -  Reply

    Kelly, shut up, dial it back a bit, and let others talk! You are great…otherwise!

  2. Angelo March 7, 2018 at 4:12 am -  Reply

    I’ve been watching and enjoying the VOICE for years. KELLY CLARKSON IS DISGUSTINGLY OBNOXIOUS. Use to have chemistry on the show. She is literally a loud hog.

    • Tamara L Duran November 26, 2018 at 8:37 pm -  Reply

      I have to agree. She’s a good coach but it’s gross watching her bounce up and down and dance everytime someone sings. Sit yer fat bootie down!

  3. Cheryl March 8, 2018 at 2:44 am -  Reply

    Please calm down kelly. You’re ruining the show that I loved since season one.

  4. Angelo March 9, 2018 at 10:04 am -  Reply

    Yes Clarkson.
    I don’t know why most of the Voice fans for years, should need to stop watching their favorite show because of you. You come on and destroy the whole show single handedly.
    You have a awful obnoxiosbehavior. You CONSTANTLY blab blab and blab saying nothing but LOOK AT ME. Talking OVER everyone. You turn most people off so much that turning the show OFF is much better than putting up watching a pathetic non funny pain control the show with your loud mouth and your stubby heavy not attractive weight. We want Adam Alisha and Blake back. Not you. You have single handedly done what nobody else could have done by themself. That is ruin the whole show.

    • Linda wilson September 28, 2019 at 12:57 am -  Reply

      You are rude. She may talk a lot but she is not rude. And to talk about her weight online just means you are a bully. If you do not have anything nice to say do not say nothing at all. She is just a happy person unlike you…

      • Cynthia October 28, 2021 at 4:20 pm -  Reply

        Sometimes you’ve just got to be blunt. That does not necessarily equal being rude. I used to really like Kelly Clarkson. But I don’t watch The voice anymore because of her. If that’s being rude in your book? Oh well….

  5. Beverly March 12, 2018 at 5:29 pm -  Reply

    I agree with all of these reviews!!! She is so down right obnoxious that I and the family cannot stand watching the show anymore and we’ve been watching it since day one! Someone comes out and starts performing and she jumps up and totally disrespects the contestant by blabbing to the other judges. This is soo annoying that I find myself shouting at the TV SHUT the F… UP‼️
    I’ve had it and I thought it was hard watching Miley for a season-I’ll take her back in a heartbeat.

  6. Pat March 12, 2018 at 8:33 pm -  Reply

    Kelly won’t shut up.
    Rude to Adam, loud and acts like it’s her show… stop Kelly and shut up!

  7. Jennifer Trettin March 13, 2018 at 8:28 am -  Reply

    I always look forward to watching The Voice…for every season, since it began. I made it through 1/2 of the first show. Kelly is so, so, SO loud, and rude. She THINKS she funny, but so annoying. I could not take it. She needs to realize this is NOT The Kelly Show, and just shut her huge mouth and stop showing off. Hopefully she is gone next season so I can watch it again.

  8. Don March 13, 2018 at 12:13 pm -  Reply

    Big mouth big girl

  9. pamela johnson March 14, 2018 at 2:03 pm -  Reply

    I agree that Kelly Clarkston needs to dial it down, but so do all of them, but for Blake. Their group attack on Blake is getting old…we get it already, you want to beat him with a country artist. They interrupt each other too much and who even cares what the non-turning chair judges think???? Just shut up. In summary, they distract from the artist and put the attention on THEMSELVES, esp Kelly, Alicia.

  10. Ma6 March 19, 2018 at 11:15 pm -  Reply

    Kelly I is overdoing it take it back a bit. The show is not about you . It’s about the contestants. Let them have their time in the spotlight. Your overdoing it

  11. Palo March 26, 2018 at 11:56 pm -  Reply

    Kelly is funny, has personality and charisma. The show is called “The Voice” a quiet judge would make it boring. Her energy brings in a good balance between the judges.

  12. Brent Carver April 3, 2018 at 12:47 pm -  Reply

    To those that “like” her, know that this is a classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.. She is one sick human being, unable to understand that others even exist, let alone have concern, manners, caring for anyone else on the planet. That NBC put such a head case on the show, demonstrates how confused and pathetic their management is. Bye bye to the whole network.

  13. Ben April 3, 2018 at 12:49 pm -  Reply

    She is truly a moron.. Stupid, loudmouth, egomaniacal, NOT funny or entertaining, the kind of bore you run from at a party, conference, or holiday.

  14. Lynn Holden April 11, 2018 at 12:27 am -  Reply

    Kelly is refreshinglt real and amazing. She genuinely loves music so she gets exited so what! And back off her weight Angelo. That has nothing to do with anything unless your a doushe

  15. Tom W. April 22, 2018 at 12:16 pm -  Reply

    Tell Kelly Clarkson to sit down and shut up! She is really annoying and looks like an idiot!

  16. Kelley Bourgeois April 25, 2018 at 1:03 pm -  Reply

    I LOVE Kelly Clarkson. I was getting bored with the show but she brought back my interest. She’s funny and talented and refreshing. I would love to be on her team. I disagree that its all about her. She just has a bubbly personality. Just a very nice person.

  17. Kelley McNeil April 25, 2018 at 5:02 pm -  Reply

    Not sure how you people can say she thinks it’s all about her. She is not bragging about herself unless she is trying to get a contestant on her team. They are SUPPOSED to do that!She is constantly saying the team members hit notes she couldn’t. I’ve never heard Alicia do that. She also didn’t say to a contestant that she was the only coach that could sing in his range. I found other coaches( Jennifer Hudson) as obnoxious and conceited but not Kelley. I find her funny and very human. I think she’s been a great addition to the team. If someone Just sits there with no personality(Alicia) the show would be boring. Besides all this, Kelly has a phenomenal voice. If you want someone to complain about being all about themselves I’d pick Alicia. She is very full of herself and adds nothing to the show.

  18. Shannon May 7, 2018 at 10:34 pm -  Reply

    I will say that Kelly is very distracting. She isoub and just seems tl be too playful. This is the first year that I have stopped watching because of a judge. She is too over the top..not true to character.

    • Kathleen Foster October 27, 2019 at 7:48 pm -  Reply

      I can’t stand her.

  19. Andrew May 13, 2018 at 3:45 am -  Reply

    I had to stop watching because of Kelly. Last year having to suffer through Miley being just plain stupid I almost quit the show, but now it’s really over for me because Kelly cannot control her obnoxious personality disorder AND more importantly she cut Tish (who could have been the Voice winner) completely out of the show! Kelly’s pick was so lame the audience booted him the first week. Now there is nothing left to watch because Kelly is a goat. The producers should bring back fan favorites if they want the audience to return… And let Kelly bounce!

  20. Bruce September 26, 2018 at 5:40 pm -  Reply

    Kelly is back for season 15 and annoying already. I’m a big fan of the show but found it hard to watch the entire first week because of her behavior. Please talk her down so I can watch and enjoy this season 15.

    • Mark Franklin September 26, 2018 at 7:49 pm -  Reply

      Ah, I’m an independent blogger and unaffiliated with the show. I just write about it. Personally, I think Kelly was annoying at times in Season 14. I pulled like she’s toned it down a bit so far in Season 14.

  21. Collette October 1, 2018 at 10:55 pm -  Reply

    LOUD!!! Obnoxiously so. Strutting like she is all that. Rude, unfeeling, one-dimensional and pathetic. Actually the list could go on and on. Always watched The Voice from first episode. The show for me is now a no view. Tried last season. Had to fast forward through any part of the show in which Kelly “LOUD MOUTH” was a part of. This season I didn’t even bother once I realized she was back. I did a personal survey among co-workers, family, friends and even random strangers. General consensus was 98% GET RID OF KELLY CLARKSON she is ruining the viewing of this show for too many. My survey had 1, 372 responders.

  22. Cheryl October 2, 2018 at 1:04 am -  Reply

    I can’t watvh any more because of Kelly. Such an attention hog. We can’t even hear the contestants sing.

  23. Linda Hammitt October 2, 2018 at 12:58 pm -  Reply

    I used to love the voice ! I can’t stand watching . Kelly is so full of herself .. it’s all about her she is obnoxius and loud .

  24. Barbara Succuro October 7, 2018 at 5:42 pm -  Reply

    I agree about Kelly. She is obnoxious, loud, rude. I’m about ready to stop watching because of her. I usually skip forward to avoid her, but that’s a pain in the butt, too.

  25. Babs October 9, 2018 at 11:38 am -  Reply

    I’m so glad to see others feel the same way I do about Kelly being obnoxious. So much talking, wants all the attention, and the cutesy act is annoying.

  26. Alison October 9, 2018 at 9:31 pm -  Reply

    This season has been pretty rough to watch. Blake and Adam don’t seem engaged at all and Kelly and JHUD are absolutely painful to watch and listen to.
    Not sure I can continue watching.

  27. Greg orr October 22, 2018 at 11:29 pm -  Reply

    I totally agree with all the above. Clarkson is such a loud mouth & very annoying which forces me to turn the channel. She wants attention & the voice gives it to her which is sad. The voice made a poor choice for a judge.

  28. Greg orr October 23, 2018 at 12:03 am -  Reply

    It’s unbelievable how many camera shots Clarkson gets vs everybody else. Absolutely ridiculous. Lacks class & professionalism vs the previous judges like Miley & Alecia. The voice really dropped the ball on Clarkson. No longer a 1st rate show mostly due to the midocreity of Clarkson.

    • James November 15, 2019 at 8:11 pm -  Reply

      I also find her loud & abrasive I have finally turned the voice off. Cannot stand her day time show she is the Walmart of TV. That ago NBC!

  29. Lorraine October 24, 2018 at 7:44 am -  Reply

    Wish I could have my Voice friends over again to watch, but we all have too much of a hard time watching and listening to KC.She has ruined such a great show

  30. It’sAllAboutStory October 24, 2018 at 1:22 pm -  Reply

    Let’s remember that the show evolved from a format where people tuned into American Idol 16 yrs ago to hear Simon eviscerate singers, so pure pleasant ry would not fit the format, thus we have the staged bickering and rivalry of the Blind Auditions. I could do with less of that, as the format in general panders more to judge competition than the actual talent of the performers – it’s set up to disrespect the budding talent, because it’s not about them.

    Kelly’s debut suggested to me that she was concerned about being the new kid on the block and overcompensated to try to get contestants. Plus they have long days of taping, she has small kids at home, and a career of her own, so she’s already a sleep-deprived mama. Throw in copious amounts of Starbucks to keep the energy up, and filters go out the window, so she talks a lot and often.

    Even if you’re annoyed with that aspect, I feel like it’s hard to deny her genuine enthusiasm for the talent. I get the most authentic enthusiasm from her and Blake, and to me it doesn’t seem like they’re making it about themselves at all.

    As far as psychological diagnoses, Kelly comes off more as exhausted ADHD in turbo than narcissism. If you want narcissism, look at Christina or Miley who throughout their seasons absolutely could not get beyond themselves to actually interact on a genuine level with their contestants. You could almost SEE that plastic wall around them where the sound of their own voice escaped, but nothing – absolutely NOTHING from the outside permeated their bubble.

    The last Fox season of Idol was great because with Keith and Harry, there was always a music lesson involved and genuine investment in the contestants – they didn’t need to vampire more attention for themselves.

    I think a lot of the issues with The Voice come from production and a lack of storytelling skills from the producers. They try, but the insanely literal interpretation of everything is just bad TV. A few years back you couldn’t have a song mentioning fire without tons of fire visual effects on the stage. It’s gotten a little better, but NBC would do well to get some excellent narrative TV writers to contribute to the show, pay them well, and turn the storylines into earned emotion moments,
    but they won’t, because they’re still getting ratings without paying anyone much to produce the show. It’s difficult to feel compassion for a 19 year old who “almost gave up on music.” They have their whole lives ahead of them to reunite and “give up” on music 100 more times.

    All of which is to say better writing would likely please most of those complaining about Kelly and Co, because we wouldn’t have to reduce judges to their most unbecoming behavior to win contestants.

    Thanks for running this column, Mark, I like hearing your feedback on the show.

  31. Cole October 25, 2018 at 2:47 am -  Reply

    Kelly is a beautiful package, beautiful voice, beautiful personality,somebody help her rap the package.

  32. Denny Horton October 30, 2018 at 9:52 pm -  Reply

    I googled “I can’t stand Kelly” and came across this page. I was surprised at the twitter comments picked but reading these made me feel better. Like others I have loved this show since the very beginning I have enjoyed pretty much all the judges until Kelly. I just don’t think her personality fits this show she is to much and I can’t stand the way she gets up and does her little dance if you can call it that, every time she likes a contestant. I also feel bad for her husband how she drills and comments on the guys us embarrassing. Please bring back Christina or Alisha even Miley I like her way better.

  33. TAMMI November 26, 2018 at 8:41 pm -  Reply

    Kelly, I’m sure you’re a nice person and a good coach, but damn, you need to stop bouncing your booty up and down and dancing when SOMEONE ELSE is singing. IT’S THEIR MOMENT. I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOUR FAT FACE!

    • Linda Wilson September 28, 2019 at 1:19 am -  Reply

      You are mean!!!!

  34. Jan December 3, 2018 at 9:29 pm -  Reply

    I really like Kelly Clarkson and always have. I think she is one of the most down to earth persons I have ever seen. Like you could walk up to her and just start a conversation and she would treat you like a good friend of hers. However, I have wondered if I have judged her wrong. I watch when all the judges walk out on the voice when the show comes on and she walks by the fans and does not interact with them but the other three shake hands or high fives the fans. I think that is strange that she ignore the fans, acknowledges Carson and goes right to her chair. I have not once seen Kelly interact or acknowledge a fan. Why is that????

  35. Sherry December 20, 2018 at 12:17 am -  Reply

    Why did xhevell win the voice. Kirk jay was so much better

  36. Dawn December 20, 2018 at 9:44 pm -  Reply

    I can’t stand Kelly Clarkson! If she is on another season I WILL NOT WATCH! She talks too much, it is not all about her! Rude! And sit down already! So annoying!

  37. Dep Nguyen January 2, 2019 at 3:55 am -  Reply

    I don’t like Kelly she talked too much made me headache and I didn’t urge with the votes

  38. Ann January 28, 2019 at 11:45 pm -  Reply

    BOO!!! Clarkson’s back on The Voice?!! I can’t believe they are bringing Kelly Clarkson back on for 2019!! We call her
    “THE MOUTH” in our house. She sucks the air out of everyone else’s time in the spot light! LOOSE HER NBC! Or you’ll permanently loose all the viewers/audience in this family! I muted every time she spoke last season. May skip watching this season!

  39. Olivia March 7, 2019 at 8:58 pm -  Reply

    I have enjoyed the Voices since its first season. However I can’t stand to watch since Kelly Clarkson joined as a coach. She is rude, loud mouth and has awful manners. She is a terrible role model for your younger viewers. Please NBC get rid of her.

  40. Nadia March 11, 2019 at 9:00 pm -  Reply

    I think Kelly is wonderful and adds life to the show. Couldn’t stand JHud.

  41. Kat Scheldon March 11, 2019 at 9:48 pm -  Reply

    Can’t stand Kelly, this will be my last time watching if you don’t get rid of her. All the girl contestants pick her, ridiculous. Kelly is so obnoxious so loud and is taking over the show with her big mouth. Please get her off the show, she is ruining it.

  42. Nikki March 12, 2019 at 12:05 am -  Reply

    You guys r all CRAZY!
    I HATED The Voice until Kelly was on it. She is hilarious!
    She brings life to the show (& thank God breaks up some of Adam and Blake’s stupid arguments). Love her dancing, excitement and knowledge of music!!!

  43. Fiona March 14, 2019 at 6:49 pm -  Reply

    We CANNOT stand Kelly wish she would stop talking over everyone ! She is obnoxious and loud we are always yelling at the tv to shut up and sit the f*&k down …lol 😂Last season we just stopped watching it was all about Kelly camera was always on her even when the contestants were singing. Please get rid of her next season .

    • Linda Wilson September 28, 2019 at 1:10 am -  Reply

      Rude rude rude

  44. Susan April 23, 2019 at 11:36 pm -  Reply

    Cannot stand her .
    Fat loudmouth pig

  45. Jackie September 24, 2019 at 9:39 am -  Reply

    Love the Voice except for Kelly. I have to tape the show and watch it when its over so I can fast forward through any scene she is in. She is loud, rude, obnoxious. This is not the Kelly Clarkson show. Producers need to get rid of her. Listen to the fans. Enjoy the banter between blake and Adam, bit Kelly’s screaming, dancing, jumping up and down is so annoying. Looks like more people think that shes annoying, rude, disrespectful, and obnoxious than not.🤯

  46. Linda Wilson September 28, 2019 at 1:03 am -  Reply

    To say Kelley Clarkson talks to much through to show is one thing ….but putting her down the way you all is rude. Remember she is a human also with feelings. The real people who are rude are the bullies that are calling her names online !!!!!!!

  47. Judy October 1, 2019 at 10:39 am -  Reply

    Blake couldn’t even finish a sentence on last night’s episode 3 of the blind auditions. Nope., it was all Kelly …. again. This time, she hadn’t even turned her chair around, but still insisted on hogging air time. During Blake’s pitch to a contestant (the one she hadn’t turned a chair for) she interrupted him several times, interjecting “What does that even mean?” and “Who cares?”. Finally she even screamed at Blake at the top of her lungs,”Are you drunk?” She dissolved into laughter (evidently she finds herself much funnier than the rest of the audience). She’s disruptive, rude, and can’t stand to share camera time with anyone. It’s all about her. She’s self-centered, ignorant, rude, and loud. I used to be able to say I liked her, because of her vocals. Girl can sing. But now, even her giant vocal talent is overshadowed by her obnoxious personality. Can’t stand Kelly anymore. Shut up, Kelly. Shut up and go away.

  48. Bruce October 1, 2019 at 8:58 pm -  Reply

    Kelly is severely rude and obnoxious—My family will stop watching this show after enjoying it for so long. She needs to be removed from THE VOICE!!!

  49. Ellen October 2, 2019 at 5:48 pm -  Reply

    I saw Kelly Clarkson purposelyfalling to the floor all dramatically, jumping screaming. All I could say is someone needs to tell her this show is not all about her!!!! She is a discustingnauseating needy attention hog! I rarely watch the voice. Now I never will!

  50. Don October 2, 2019 at 6:03 pm -  Reply

    My wife and have been watching the Voice over the years and we thought with the addition of Kelly, she would be a great. But here we are with the new season and we may not finish the season. Kelly as many have already said is way over the top; rude to her peers as well as potential singers. She doesn’t give anyone a chance to talk and of course is obnoxious, My wife thinks she might be on medication but this demeanor is the same week after week. Her peers have noticed the change as exhibited by their remarks. She doesn’t give anyone a chance to talk and as noted, the show is all about her. We won’t be watching anymore if she doesn’t tone it down. This isn’t the Voice anymore, its all about Kelly’s voice.

  51. Jill October 3, 2019 at 8:26 pm -  Reply

    I have loved this show for many seasons but I’m not sure I can watch anymore. I agree with other people. She has become very rude. There is no flow anymore because she interrupts every conversation. I’m done watching.

  52. john Gahl gahl October 10, 2019 at 12:20 pm -  Reply

    I stopped watching because of Kelly Clarkson the show is the voice it’s not her SHOW

  53. philip October 14, 2019 at 9:15 pm -  Reply

    Kelly, the loud mouth floppy walrus. Sit down, shut up let the other coaches talk. You have completely ruined the Voice for me. It is too hard to watch you belly flop and sing like a drunk bar fly. Gross, Gross, Gross. Please go away!

  54. Jessie October 16, 2019 at 1:24 am -  Reply

    I agree that listening to Kelly can be painful. But it isn’t fair to comment on her looks and weight etc… I enjoy Blake and John as they really seem like they have constructive comments and don’t interrupt or make it all about them. I didn’t care too much for Miley when she joined the coaches but she grew on me and Alicia was awesome in her quiet way. I even liked Christina way back on earlier seasons, even if she was a bit of a diva, but Kelly really has me wondering why I watch The Voice anymore, and I like her singing.

  55. Erin November 6, 2019 at 4:17 pm -  Reply

    Kelly talks too much and is too loud . But she has always been this way so I wasn’t surprised.

  56. Elizabeth November 17, 2019 at 3:30 pm -  Reply

    I cannot believe how loud & obnoxious Kelly is. Ever since she married Reba’s son in Law she has had everything handed to her including her talk show. Everything is all about her. Her ego is so Fat i am surprised she can even fit through the studio door. All of her interviews are of her bragging about her wonderful life & i just cannot stand her anymore. I use to be a fan but she needs to get humble and quit bragging. She also needs to let other people talk. She takes from the contestants moments with her loud outbursts and horrible dancing. She thinks she is funny but she is not.

  57. Maryann rosa November 23, 2019 at 4:12 am -  Reply

    Too loud!!!

  58. Maryann November 23, 2019 at 4:13 am -  Reply

    Loud!! Tell her to lower her voice she had a microphone afterall omg too loud nearly obnoxious

  59. Marie L Carter January 5, 2020 at 5:50 am -  Reply

    Please remove Kelly Clarkson from the voice. She is so common. Even worse than her mother-in-law. Please. Please. Please

  60. Richard A Campbell March 16, 2020 at 4:03 am -  Reply

    There sure are a lot of jealous Carrie Underwood fans posting Kelly Clarkson hate in this thread. Kelly has improved the ratings for The Voice and her Talk Show is crushing the ratings. So – it’s pretty obvious most of the crap you see in this thread trashing Kelly Clarkson is coming from Carrie Underwoods Carrie Fans website. They’re jealous Kelly is a better sing and has a better personality – and is just downright more talented

  61. Linda McNellis May 12, 2020 at 1:06 am -  Reply

    There is just something about her that irritates me. It is probably her over the top personality. Also, I do not agree with her not wearing make up on the recent Voice appearances from her home. We all need to put on our best appearance.

  62. Linda McNellis May 12, 2020 at 1:09 am -  Reply

    Get real. When you are home with your loved ones no make up is needed, but on National Television one has to put on their best face. You are a beautiful woman, but enhancing the beauty is best in the pubic forum.

  63. Dani February 25, 2021 at 5:49 pm -  Reply

    So tired of her. She’s so loud. On her talk show, the few that we had attempted to watch, she’s screaming the entire show! I think that she has just done a kim Kardashian. People just ant her to go away.

  64. Dani February 25, 2021 at 5:50 pm -  Reply

    So tired of her. She’s so loud. On her talk show, the few that we had attempted to watch, she’s screaming the entire show! I think that she has just done a kim Kardashian. People just want her to go away.

  65. Sissy March 12, 2021 at 6:48 pm -  Reply

    I love her. She is so sweet and kind. She does a lot for people and we have to remember, she’s young. She sings better than anyone I’ve ever seen.

  66. Tatiana March 24, 2021 at 4:27 am -  Reply

    Dear Voice and CARSON Daley in particular:
    I do not like the geeky John Legend and the Sow Kelly Clarkson mobbing Blake. It is a repulsive behavior and the Jonas monkey toned it down a bit but the rabbit-faced Legend who is like 5’4 and the fat boar Kelly are SO abusive to Blake that I cannot stand watching your show. And Carson you are in your 50’s Grow the fcuk up and stop encouraging this disgusting behavior you are nsupposed to be a moderatyor and it is obvious you don’t like Blake.

  67. Afan March 24, 2021 at 4:42 am -  Reply

    Kelly is NOT young. She is ugly and almost 40. She is rude and cruel to Blake along with that rabbit faced Legend. MOBBING Is a narcissists way and she is a narcissists. We don’t want to see her she is not a pretty girl she is not a nice girl. She is a sow who monopolizes and mobs people. She is worthless.

  68. Dave March 24, 2021 at 7:19 pm -  Reply

    Kelly makes me wanna throw up, she is over…OVERRATED, over paid…..she needs
    to be placed in an 8-5 job and really earn her pay. She is not attractive, nor is
    she sexy by any means…..society should tell her the truth and quit the phony
    bs she gets daily…….she does not belong on The Voice….please remove her!!!!

  69. leroy hummel May 10, 2021 at 10:19 pm -  Reply

    Kelly needs to go ! She is nothing but loud & obnoxious ! And the way she is always screaming is so irritating also , and that stupid imitation of air horn she constantly does is very annoying . It always seems like everything is about her , already stopped watching her talk show and considering the same with The Voice .

  70. Gina September 24, 2021 at 11:53 pm -  Reply

    Kelly is so ugly and she dresses like she is going to a beer bash at a trailer park. SHe is a narcissist and a horrible person. Her sweet act is overshadowed by the cruel jabs she directs at Blake with little tard John legend. NO ONE CAN STAND KELLY, why is she on there? To appease fat ugly millenial moms?

  71. soooomoooo October 1, 2021 at 3:58 pm -  Reply

    Kelly is obnoxious and keeps repeating herself. The jabs at Blake is OLD and very annoying. I dislike her on the show very much

  72. NJ November 9, 2021 at 9:39 pm -  Reply

    Please remove or shut Kelly up , she is so annoying !

  73. NJ November 16, 2021 at 9:37 pm -  Reply

    Please do not remove Blake , the person who needs to go is that annoying Kelly , and now sounds like Ariana is starting trouble , so maybe her also . If Blake is removed , will never watch voice again !

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