New Idol Music

Brooke White plans special album; Season 7 friends lend a hand


Brooke White and friends are planning a special album called Lullabies and Happy Songs to benefit OUR.

Brooke White and friends are planning a special album called Lullabies and Happy Songs to benefit OUR.

Brooke White is working on a new project, and this should be special.

Why? Because it will include collaborations with a couple of her friends from American Idol’s fabulous Season 7 — David Archuleta and Carly Smithson.

The album is going to be called “Lullabies and Happy Songs.”

“And I’m not talkin’ cheese ball kids music, but some pretty and magical tunes of joy and comfort that I feel anyone could enjoy,” Brooke writes on Facebook.

Each song is being written and recorded with a guest performer. Hence the involvement of Carly and David.

Other contributors include Deana Carter, Mindy Gledhill and Jack Matranga, Brooke’s collaborator on three splendid EPs as Jack and White.

What’s more, the album will benefit a good cause.

Apparently, this all started because the folks who made the 2011 TV movie “Change of Plans,” starring Brooke, gave her $20,000 to donate to a charity of her choice.

She selected O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad), which rescues kids from sexual slavery. Through a Pledge Music campaign, she’s hoping to double the donation to $40,000.

With forty-five days left, she’s already 41 percent of the way toward her goal. Rewards offered for donating include signed copies of the upcoming CD.

Sorry, David Archuleta fans. All the copies signed by Brooke and David have been claimed. But you can still get a CD signed by Brooke and Carly.

Head here for more information about the campaign and the cause.

Brooke’s also preparing for her annual Christmas show out in California, set for Dec. 11 at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. And she promises that Carly will join her on stage for one number.

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