Season 9, Season 9 Finals, Siobhan Magnus

Vote for the Worst’s new hero: Siobhan Magnus


Siobhan Magnus, butterflies and all, performing during inspirational song night on American Idol. (

Now that viewers have given Tim Urban the boot, the Web site Vote for the Worst has adopted a new hero from the American Idol Class of Season Nine.

Her name: Siobhan Magnus.

That’s right, in a few short weeks, Siobhan has gone from Idol front-runner to the gal Vote for the Worst is encouraging all of its followers to rally behind.

The caricature of Siobhan on the Web site is a hoot. The reason for the selection is summed up quite succinctly: “Between the crazy outfits, hilarious screaming and totally Worster personality, how can we not pick her?”

Yep, Siobhan sure keeps things interesting with those outfits. Over the course of season nine, she’s gone from pretty to punk and back to pretty.

She’s confused even the normally unflappable Simon Cowell. Last week, he mistook the butterflies dancing off her shoulders for leaves. “Distracting,” he called them.

As for the screaming, I haven’t dubbed Siobhan the magnificent screamer without reason.

That first shriek back in the semifinals got such rave reviews from the judges, Siobhan has taken to shrieking on a regular basis, often with no musical note in reach.

Fact is, those shrieks disguised an awful lot of pitchy moments in the early going, something the judges have been more prone to point out recently.

After nine weeks of live shows, Siobhan has delivered one standout vocal — “House of the Rising Sun” back in the semifinals.

But I’ll be rooting for her along with the Vote for the Worst crew this week.

Hey, she’s interesting. Which is more than anyone can say for Aaron Kelly.

Check back tomorrow morning when I unveil the week seven rankings for the remaining Idols.

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