Adam Lambert, New Idol Music

Adam Lambert sets the record straight, once and for all


Adam Lambert, the American Idol runner-up from season eight, arrives for an awards show last year. (AP Photo)Adam Lambert is doing a promo tour across the world; he’s in Germany today.

A promo tour, by its very nature, means lots of interviews.

And, apparently, Adam’s getting tired of answering the same questions over and over.

So he attempted to nip the most repeated questions in the bud by sending Tweets to all his followers this morning.

* No, he was never asked to be the lead singer for Queen.

* Yes, it was amazing meeting Madonna. (Hey, Adam, even Oprah asked about that).

* Yes, he kissed Ke$ha. “It was fun,” he tweets.

* And, no, he doesn’t consider himself the male Lady Gaga.

“Of course, I’m a fan and have the highest respect for her, and there’re some theatrical sensibilities that we share, but we are different people,” Adam says. “As much as I love her- it’s becoming tiresome. Would prefer to discuss MY art.”

His art is doing better these days. His first two singles — “Time for Miracles” and “For Your Entertainment” — failed to gain much traction on Billboard’s Hot 100.

But his latest, “Whataya Want From Me,” has done much better, advancing to its current peak position of 21. And “For Your Entertainment” got a second wind on the dance club play chart, climbing as high as number five.

Bigger news than Adam’s tweets comes courtesy of MTV, which is reporting details of a recent Ustream chat he had with fans.

During the chat, he revealed: 1) that he plans to release a remix EP in April; 2) that his next single will be “If I Had You” (one of my favorite tracks of his album, just saying); 3) and that he’ll appear on American Idol sometime in April.

Well, it’s about time. The show already featured Allison Iraheta, Danny Gokey, Kris Allen, Matt Giraud and Scott MacIntyre.

It’s about time we heard from Adam, too.

Here’s the link to the MTV story.

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