After The Voice

Adam Pearce planning post-Voice debut album


Adam Pearce of The Voice Season 13 has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new album.

Adam Pearce of The Voice Season 13 has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new album.

Adam Pearce has about two days remaining in a Kickstarter campaign he’s hoping will fund a new album.

The rocker from Season 13 of The Voice is planning a 10-track album called “Warbird,” though an 11th track will be released to Kickstarter backers who pledge at a certain level.

Adam, who made it all the way to the Top 20 on the show, is even willing to part with the guitar he wrote much of the album on in order to reach his fund-raising goal of $22,000.

As of Tuesday evening, backers had pledged a little more than $16,000 of that amount.

“A lot of contestants, you’ll fall in love with them, and after their time is up on the show, you’ll never hear form them again,” Adam, 31, of New Orleans, notes in his Kickstarter pitch. “I’m working very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen (with me).”

As for the sound of the album, during an exit interview with Voice Views, Adam explained it this way: “Think Soundgarden meets Zeppelin meets Skynyrd.

“The guys on this album are fierce and the album is heavy and soulful,” he added.

Adam was originally a member of Team Adam Levine on The Voice and says Maroon 5’s James Valentine is playing a guest guitar solo on the album.

Head here to learn more about Adam’s plans for the new album and the rewards backers get for supporting the effort.

Adam Pearce last released new music in 2012 when his band Black Magnolia dropped a 10-track album called “Stop Me Now.”

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