Season 10, Season 10 Finals

After Pia travesty, fans demand Idol changes via Twitter


The honeymoon is over for the Idol judges Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez, who are rightly coming under fire for their failure to judge. (FOX Photo)

Gotta say, my opinion of Nigel Lythgoe’s handling of Season 10 of American Idol took a nosedive last night.

Then dropped even more this morning.

Because here is Dizzyfeet’s lame response to fans who place part of the blame for what happened to Pia Toscano at the feet of three judges who simply refuse to judge.

Says Nigel (in all caps): “It is not about the judges’ opinion. It’s about yours. U R not sheep!”


Pia Toscano learns her sad fate standing alongside Ryan Seacrest on American Idol Thursday night. (FOX Photo)Let me get this straight. Idol lets the rumor mill rumble all off-season about who will join the judges’ panel. Idol stages an elaborate press conference to introduce us to the new judges. Idol, I’m sure, is paying each of these three jokers millions of dollars to judge.

Now we’re not supposed to expect them to judge? They can just be cheerleaders?

Then for heaven’s sake, give Steven and Randy pom-poms and cheerleader outfits (Jennifer probably already has one) and tell them to shut up.

The time saved would allow contestants to sing a full song. Then we could better judge at home.

Take heart, Idol fans — those of you who plan to continue watching the show.

If Pia’s ouster accomplished anything, it focused attention on how inadequate the judges have been this season and on how unfair the Idol voting system has become to female contestants.

And Twitter is aflutter with fans expressing their sentiments on those topics.

Here’s a sampling …

The voting

  • “There needs to be a cap on VOTING. With the show’s teen girl demo. the system is one big “AMERICAN FAILURE” !!!” — from xxxGMANxxx
  • “When are the producers going to realize that the current voting method SUCKS! PLEASE LIMIT VOTES!” — from jhgebel
  • “here’s what to do, put 12 girls, and 1 cute boy w/ a guitar next season and lets see who wins. My bet is the boy.” — from melirose89
  • “Pls fix the voting system, it’s been train wreck 4 long time, become worser: mature music fans hate it, leave it 2 female teens!” — from Lambertlee
  • “Why can’t the voting on idol be like SYTYCD. let the people vote, but judges pick from bottom 3.” — from PAULANY1102
  • “Teeny-boppers & women are worse than sheep, they have ruined voting for everyone else. Not watching #idol until there are changes.” from WesStull
  • “Clearly girls can’t get thru the process. Ever think about splitting the comp? End up with girl winner & boy winner >> sing off?” — from MNCyn

The judges

  • “it’s safe to say America needs more sincere guidance in talent judgement. Otherwise they’ll always vote strictly on personality.” — from crustian
  • “Tell the judges to be as honest as possible; they cant tell everybody, ‘that is perfect or beautiful!'” — from junior1303
  • “Judges shldn’t be angry when fans get it wrong when they give equal PRAISE to everyone. But JLo did critique Pia’s performance.” — from glamujat
  • “What are the judges there for if it’s not about their opinion? I’m confused.” — from hockeylvr
  • “Not sheep, but your judges can’t blame & scold the voters afterwards, when their non-judging involves all being equally ‘amazing.'” — from Carlie101
  • “Then why are the judges there? What purpose do they serve other than cheerleaders?” — from swotO
  • “It IS about the judges. When they criticize NO ONE and offer nothing constructive then the wrong people go home.” — from daytripper78
  • “Steven: ‘I love it’ J-Lo: ‘perfect’ Randy: whatever J-Lo said. I’m REALLY missing Simon now. Here comes The Voice & X-Factor.” — from Jettheadpb
  • “You hired judges, not cheerleaders. What good are they if they don’t deliver honest appraisal of the performances.” — from Anne_Temmick
  • “then why have judges? Their vote should count for 50 percent. Last night was a jump the shark moment. I know I’m done.” — from ehannan73
  • “The judges putting everyone on a level playing field & not guiding voters had a big impact. Idol needs to reevaluate the judging.” — from HPsquares

That said, not everyone was shocked with Thursday’s results.

Some fans place the blame for Pia’s ouster on Pia.

  • “Why wld I vote 4 Pia when when I can just throw a Celine Dion album in my CD player? Great voice, boring performances.” — from HannaBec
  • “It’s true we voters aren’t sheep.That’s why I never voted for Pia despite the judges adoration of her. Lovely voice but no oomph.” — from Zsusk
  • “The people voted. Pia did not connect to the audience or viewers.” — from ItsSondra

Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer of American IdolYou know what, those fans have a point?

But count me among those who think Idol has some serious changes to make.

First, Nigel … or someone … has to demand that these judges do their jobs for the remainder of Season 10.

Then, during the off-season, Idol needs to come up with a fairer voting system.

Five girls are gone this season. Not a single guy has been eliminated.

In each of the previous three seasons, only one girl made the final four.

In the past three seasons, only one female (Crystal Bowersox) made the finals.

And she lost, even after singing rings around Lee DeWyze in the finals.

That’s indicative of a problem that transcends Pia Toscano.

See also

Pia Toscano talks about Idol and her future

Results recap: Cute Boy Idol hits an all-time low

Results recap 2: A dud of a show, from start to finish

It’s time for Steven Tyler to earn his paycheck (from March 27)

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  1. charlotte April 9, 2011 at 12:47 am -  Reply

    A new voting system to limit votes might not solve the issues if the teen girls are the large demographic to watch and vote. They will still influence the outcome, wouldn’t they. What would happen if the votes were only for the choice of the lowest performing candidate each week?

  2. keandance April 9, 2011 at 4:28 am -  Reply

    The reality is that the people voting are the people who watch the show and care about who stays on the show. If you care, VOTE! Both Pia and Stefano have great voices, but they are both BORING! …and I am not a teenage girl. I am a mature voice teacher.

  3. Joy April 9, 2011 at 2:03 pm -  Reply

    Something has to be done because it’s a total joke that Pia who has the best voice of anyone this year and one of the best voices on Idol ever got kicked off this soon! A girl stands no chance of ever winning again at this rate. I like how Dancing with the Stars limits people to only a handful of votes which really gives a much more real result of who the public loves instead of letting one person vote 10,000 times. The outrage over Pia leaving proves how wrong this result was!

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