Season 13

Idol finds more singers (and guitars) in Atlanta


Judging from the publicity photos for tonight’s American Idol audition episode, we’re about to be introduced to …

You guessed it: Lots more singers playing guitars.

Chris Medina will apparently audition on American Idol tonight with his dog by his side. (FOX Photo)

Chris Medina will apparently audition on American Idol tonight with his dog by his side. (FOX Photo)

One, apparently, will even show up with his pet dog in tow.

Now that’s a new one.

If you want to learn more about some of the top singers from last night, I’ve posted individual blogs on Ethan Harris, Melanie Porras, Brandy Neelly and Malaya Watson, with lots more to come.

And you can find profiles on more than 30 contestants from the first two audition episodes here.

Now, on to the new singers we’ll meet tonight.

Majesty Rose: Our first auditioner of the night is a girl with guitar, with roses in her hair, appropriate since she likes to call herself Majesty Rose She’s a 21-year-old pre-school teacher from Goldsboro, N.C., who is going to audition with a Coldplay song. And she has a really, really nice voice, something apparent from the first note. Harry calls her “refreshing” and her performance “subtle and lovely.” Keith compliments her for pulling him into the song. Majesty, of course, is off to Hollywood with three yes votes.

Jesse Cline: He’s a 19-year-old gas station attendant from Ashland, Ky., who just got done driving eight hours to the Atlanta audition. He’s going to sing “Washed by the Water.” Jesse has some serious problems with the ends of those guitar chords. One of the judges called him the “ultimate Cinderella.” And Harry compliments him on his believability.

Up next Alyson Ragona, 19, a sales associate from Eldridge, Iowa, with her ukulele and bright pink hair and a giant cat on her shirt. She does not advance.

Here comes the dog, Chris Medina with Bubby. While Chris is auditioning, Bubby is going to hang out with Harry. Chris is a 23-year-old national guard member from Jacksonville, Fla. Jennifer says she likes his performance. Harry and Keith both found Chris believable. And Chris gets three yes votes to Hollywood.

Kristen O’Connor: She’s a 24-year-old nurse tech from Sebastian, Fla., who says she feels she’s doing something important in her real job. At the same time, she wants to make it in the music industry. And she has a really nice voice. During this segment, we’ll also hear from Emily Piriz, 17, a student from Orlando, Fla., who says she’s been watching Idol since Season 1. And they both make it to Hollywood.

Ben Briley: He’s a 24-year-old server from Gallatin, Tenn., and he’s going to sing Amos Lee’s “Arms of a Woman.” Idol is throwing us some curves tonight, because here’s another guy who has a really nice voice, but doesn’t look the part. Ben credits his wife with pushing him in the right direction. Keith says he “loves the sound of his voice” and might crash his car if he heard him on the radio while driving. Three votes later, Ben is Hollywood bound.

Nica Nashae: The 24-year-old student form Milledgeville, Ga., is determined to turn in a memorable performance. She’ll sing “Natural Woman.” She shows off a big voice and gets a unanimous vote forward to Hollywood.

Jesse Cline was one of the surprise auditioners during American Idol's Atlanta episode. (FOX Photo)

Jesse Cline was one of the surprise auditioners during American Idol’s Atlanta episode. (FOX Photo)

Jordan Brisbane: The 15-year-old student from Savannah, Ga., says he loves to cook and plans to “shut American Idol” down with his talent. He’s going to sing Bruno Mars’ “When I Was Your Man.” He’s changed the song up quite a bit, and I wasn’t thrilled with it. Harry calls him “a pretty good singer.” Jennifer calls him “adorable.” Keith says he has a lot of “raw talent.” He gets three yes votes, too.

Sam Burchfield: The 21-year-old student from Athens, Ga., is a Phillip Phillips fan and walks into the audition room with a Phillip Phillips vibe, flip-flops and all. He plans to sing “I Want to Be Like You.” Jennifer says his performance surprised her. Keith compliments him on his guitar playing and his voice. Jennifer and Keith vote to send him to Hollywood; Harry votes no.

Jessica Meuse: She’s a 22-year-old student from Slapout, Ala., who proclaims that she’s going to be either a successful musician or a broke one. She’s brave enough to audition with an original tune, “Blue Eyed Lie.” And you can tell from the reaction, the judges are loving what they hear. Jess is also Hollywood bound. Harry compliments her on a “nice tune.”

Lauren Ogburn: She’s a 19-year-old receptionist from Lake City, Fla., who is auditioning with Reba McEntire’s “Fancy” and strives to be a country singer who’s a little “rough around the edges.” Jennifer says she got “goosies.” Keith calls her “authentic.” She’s off to Hollywood with three yes votes.

Now, two returning contestants from Season 11 — Neco Starr, 22, a personal assistant from Atlanta, Ga., and Caleb Johnson, a 22-year-old musician from Asheville, N.C. Neco is singing “Someone Like You.” Neco advances on a 2-1 vote.  Caleb goes through unanimously.

Bria Anai: The 15-year-old student from Lithonia, Ga., shows up at the audition with her mom-ager. She’ll audition with “One and Only” by Adele. And Bria, of course, has an impressive voice for someone who’s just 15. She also is wearing purple lipstick with sparkles. Jennifer says she loves those sparkles “because you can sing.” She calls it “amazing.” Bria is off to Hollywood with three yes votes.

Idol awarded 44 golden tickets in Atlanta, and for the second straight night, the gals proved better than the guys.

Gotta love that last line from Harry.

Someone says there are a lot of talented people in the world.

Harry’s response: “And they all come to American Idol.”

LOL. Doesn’t Idol wish that was the case.

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