Season 11, Season 11 finals

American Idol Top 13 results: Bye, bye, Jeremy


If Jermaine Jones heads home tonight, as I fear he might, I’ll miss images like the one above, where the so-called gentle giant dwarfs Ryan Seacrest.

Or scenes like on last week’s results show, when Eben Franckewitz stood on tiptoes, then began jumping, just so his face wuold fit in the same frame with Jermaine’s.

So how do we all feel about the judges having the final say in who goes home tonight?

I mean, I’m pretty sure this is an Idol first. There have been the saves of course, in place since Season 8, if I recall correctly. But this will be the first time that the judges pick which of two singers to send packing … X Factor like.

I don’t mind the format this week for one simple reason. Given the theme this week, I think it’s only fair that the Idol gals be judged against the rest of the Idol gals forced to sing Whitney Houston. And that the Idol guys be judged against the rest of the Idol guys.

The ladies had the tougher assignment last night. And my guess is any guy who finds himself standing beside Shannon Magrane or Elise Testone at the end of the night will be bidding us farewell. Either of those gals has done well enough up to this point to deserve a second chance.

But I’ll still stick by the prediction I made last night: Erika Van Pelt and Jermaine Jones end up at the bottom of the voting for their respective genders. And Jermaine heads home.

For photos from last night’s show, go here. For the recap, go here. And for my thoughts on the Idol judging, go here.

 OK, Randy just said the judges are deciding for “one night only.”

Idol’s only an hour tonight, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have to endure a cheesy group number.  Still don’t know what Idol sees in Deandre Brackensick.

Hollie Cavanagh and Jessica Sanchez, on the other hand, appear to be Idol’s rising stars.  Go, gals.

And the results begin, with Jessica, Elise and Hollie heading center stage.  Jimmy is providing commentary, post-voting again.  He calls Hollie “fantastic.” Jimmy calls Jessica’s performance “the best ever on Idol.” He predicts Elise could be in trouble after getting stuck with a genre that wasn’t in her wheelhouse.

And Hollie and Jessica are safe; Elise is among the bottom three gals.

Heejun Han, Colton Dixon and Jermaine head center stage.  Jimmy says singing Stevie is the last thing he’d have Heejun do, that he likes his voice, but that he’ll need a lot of work.  He says Colton still needs to find himself as an artist. And he says Jermaine was struggling between tune and feeling and lost both.  Colton is safe, Heejun is safe; Jermaine heads to the bottom three.

Now we hear from Lauren Alaina, who’s trimmed down since Idol, released a hit album and performed in York, Pa., in December.  For a photo gallery from that performance, go here.

Nice performance by Lauren. Now, more commercials. Lots more.

The rest of the gals head center stage — Erika, Shannon and Skylar Laine.  Jimmy says Erika did a really good job of selling the song even though it wasn’t well suited to her voice.  He says nerves got the better of Shannon.  He says she has a lot of talent, but needs a lot more experience.  And he likes Skylar’s nasally tone.  Erika is in the bottom three.  So is Shannon.  Skylar is safe.

Joshua Ledet, Jeremy Rosado, Phillip Phillips and Deandre Brackensick hit center stage.  Jimmy is worried America will tire of Joshua’s voice and says he’s going to have to mix it up.  He calls Deandre a pleasant surprise.  Jimmy says he’s great vocally and as a musician and knows who he is, but is worried the gals could outshine him with their vocal fireworks.  Jimmy says Jeremy didn’t deliver, that all the girls outperformed  Jeremy and that he predicts Jeremy will go home tonight.  Phillip is safe, Deandre is safe; Jeremy is in the bottom three guys. So is Joshua.

And, now, Ryan sends Erika and Joshua to safety.  OK, guess my prediction won’t come true.

That leaves us with a final four of Jeremy Rosado, Jermaine Jones, Elise Testone and Shannon Magrane.

Now: Mary J. Blige.  And here’s why I think these performance spots should be filled with past Idols.

Jermaine is safe.  Jeremy is the bottom guy.

Shannon is safe.  Elise is the bottom girl.

And the judges save Elise.

Jeremy Rosado heads home on American Idol.





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