Season 12, Season 12 finals

Angie, Lazaro lead Idol’s social media race


Let’s take another look at those social media stats for the remaining American Idols.

Because if social media numbers correlate into voting patterns, we don’t have much of a competition on our hands.

Angie Miller is still the leader in social media among the remaining American Idol contestants. (FOX Photo)Angie Miller has been far and away the leader in Facebook fans and Twitter followers since the day the Top 20 started performing in Vegas.

Little has changed in that regard.

In fact, since the finals began three weeks ago, Angie has widened her lead, picking up more than three times as many Facebook fans as any of the other remaining contestants and nearly 9,000 more Twitter followers than anyone else.

Jimmy Iovine might think Angie needs to change her ways, but she keeps attracting more fans doing just what she’s doing.

Here’s a bit of a surprise, considering his recent stumbles in the finals.

Lazaro Arbos has more than doubled his Twitter followers since the top 10 show, gaining more than anyone not named Angie.

And he’s still second among the remaining Idols in Facebook fans.

Which contestant is gaining ground?

That would be Candice Glover, probably thanks to repeatedly solid performances.

She has moved up from number six to number three among the Top 7 among Facebook fans and from number six to number four among Twitter followers.

Want the numbers?

Here they are. The first is the number of likes or followers as of 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, the second is the number of followers the morning before the finals began, the last number is the change over that time.

I’ve even provided the links in case you want to like or follow your own favorite.

Check back tonight for a live blog with song by song grades as the Top 7 tackle classic rock.


Angie Miller: 53,597 (36,088) +17,509
Lazaro Arbos: 13,390 (8,734) +4,656
Candice Glover: 12,115 (3,698) +8,417
Janelle Arthur: 7,493 (4,264) +3,229
Kree Harrison: 7,193 (4,096) +3,097
Amber Holcomb: 2,648 (1,015) +1,633
Burnell Taylor: 2,473 (1,070) +1,403


Angie Miller: 78,423 (41,119) +37,304
Lazaro Arbos: 54,681 (25,937) +28,744
Kree Harrison: 36,712 (15,243) +21,469
Candice Glover: 33,745 (10,396) +23,349
Burnell Taylor: 32,915 (14,130) +19,785
Janelle Arthur: 25,229 (10,453) +14,776
Amber Holcomb: 18,794 (6,774) +12,020

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  1. Richard White April 3, 2013 at 7:51 pm -  Reply

    It was very interesting to read this article. I do think that Kree, and Candice and Janelle will have careers in music after Idol. But they are no where near in the category of Angie Miller. Jimmy Lovine is 100% wrong that Angie needs to change. Talents like Angie are rare in this world, she is absolutely incredible, her huge talent, that incredible voice, her personality, stage presence, she writes songs and plays the piano and when she does covers of songs Angie amazingly makes them 100% better then the originals are. Her performances are just that PERFORMANCES, and she sings with so much passion, and with all of her heart and soul. She gets to your heartstrings and makes you listen to the lyrics. No One can even come close to ANGIE. She will be a MEGA superstar!!! . and also the fact of her hugely successful youtube channel.

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