Adam Lambert, New Idol Music

Get ready to be reintroduced to Adam Lambert


The guy who stole the show on American Idol Season 8, yet somehow wound up finishing second, returns with his second album this week.

Adam Lambert releases “Trespassing” Tuesday, and get ready for one of the more audacious albums you’ve heard from a former Idol contestant.

Bet you’re surprised, right?

But based on a story on, Adam fully realizes that importance of this album. He’s seen what’s happened to many a male Idol who went before him.

He told Billboard that’s why he insisted on being executive producer of his second album, and on co-writing much of it.

“This is a big make-or-break thing for me, especially for someone who comes off of ‘Idol,'” he told Billboard. “I did have a hit, which was great. That was one big step. Now what? Is that going to be it? Am I a one-hit wonder? So I wanted to get really involved in the process to make sure I was doing everything I could to create a great album.”

Did he succeed?

You don’t need to wait until Tuesday to find out. You can listen to the entire album — including the deluxe edition bonus tracks — here.

Meanwhile, Adam is going to be all over the place this week promoting the album.

Monday morning, he’ll sing his latest single, “Never Close Our Eyes,” on Good Morning America. Also set for Monday, an appearance on VH1’s Big Morning Buzz at 10 a.m., a live Q&A at at 3 p.m. and a 6:30 p.m. concert at the MLB Fan Cave in New York.

Then, Thursday, he’ll perform the new single on American Idol during the Top 3 results show.

Ah, about Idol … asked to pick a favorite, most guest artists mutter some politically correct mumbo jumbo about how all the remaining singers are great.

Adam? Forget it.

He felt the need to chime in after the top four show.

“#JSanchezAI11 (Jessica’s twitter handle) is a star,” Adam tweeted. “#JLedetAI11 (Joshua’s twitter handle) sangs fo the blood. They wipe the floor with the other two. It’s a singing competition.”

Later, in a message to Jessica, he clarified: “I said I liked you best. Phillip and Hollie are terrific singers. I just think you kick their butts.”

And, still later, “My opinions aren’t always diplomatic.”

Yep, time for a re-introduction. But it’s the same old Adam.

Now, “Never Close Our Eyes”

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  1. Maloy May 14, 2012 at 2:17 am -  Reply

    Oh yes, he succeeded. Some reviewers have called it the Pop Album of the Year and his version of Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream. Every track is incredible. Get a copy. The voice is one of a kind.

  2. Dinah-mite May 14, 2012 at 2:35 am -  Reply

    Yup, same old Adam- THANK GAWDA!! O yeah, look out world, Adam: The Adam Storm Cometh!
    Yep, the biggest most authentic talent to EVER grace Idol’s stage is about to light the world on FIRE.
    And millions of us could not be happier…
    Yep, The Adam Storm Cometh…

  3. Lissy May 14, 2012 at 3:27 am -  Reply

    lol I love Adam. His new album is FIRE, srsly I cannot get enuff of it. Looking forward to seeing him sing on my tv this week!

  4. Camille May 14, 2012 at 3:46 am -  Reply

    same old Adam, thank god.. intelligent, articulate,kind, considerate, insanely talented…yup, same old Adam and Trespassing is unbelievably good

  5. Lynne May 14, 2012 at 3:51 am -  Reply

    Love the new single and can’t wait to buy the album!

  6. Guest May 14, 2012 at 3:58 am -  Reply

    Mark, you sounded as fierce as Adam in this article. Love it. Yeah this album is AMAZING. Everyone should own a copy of it, you won’t regret .

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