Season 13

Hear more from American Idol’s Jocelyn Baker


We only saw a few seconds of Jocelyn Baker’s audition during American Idol’s Salt Lake City episode.

Which is a shame judging from the potential she shows in the originals on her new YouTube channel.

Jocelyn Baker earned a ticket to Hollywood at the American Idol auditions in Salt Lake City. (FOX Photo)

Jocelyn Baker earned a ticket to Hollywood at the American Idol auditions in Salt Lake City. (FOX Photo)

But judging from her Road to Hollywood video, the 18-year-old, guitar-wielding gal from Salem, Utah, enjoyed herself in the audition room.

She describes singing in front of the judges as “less nerve-wracking than I thought it would be” and says her “nervousness melted away” once she started performing.

She auditioned with John Mayer’s “No Such Thing” and makes it clear in the same video that she’s a huge John Mayer fan.

“I love everything he does,” she says. “I love his style. I’m a big, huge John Mayer fan.”

As for her music, she thinks her unique sound will set her apart.

“I have a different kind of voice than a lot of people have heard,” Jocelyn says. “My voice is very sultry. Kind of crooner-ish. A lot of people compare me to Ingrid Michaelson.”

Her reaction to earning a golden ticket?

“Imagine the biggest excitement you’ve felt in your life and multiply it by 10.”

If you’d like to follow Jocelyn, here are links to her Facebook page and Twitter account (@jbake_17).

I’ve embedded three videos of her performing below, including a pair of originals. You can hear more on her two YouTube channels here and here.

For profiles of more than 90 other Season 13 contestants, head here.

“Lemonade” (original)

“102 Percent” (original)

“Staying Alive” (Bee Gees blues cover)

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