Season 13

Hear more from American Idol’s Zach Day


We only caught a snippet of Zach Day’s audition for American Idol in Detroit.

And it sounds like we missed the most interesting part.

Zach Day earned a ticket to Hollywood at the American Idol Season 13 auditions in Detroit. (FOX Photo)

Zach Day earned a ticket to Hollywood at the American Idol Season 13 auditions in Detroit. (FOX Photo)

Zach, 20, of Stearns, Ky., is a tram driver at Disney World in Orlando and wrote a song about the park’s five safety rules as a welcome to his riders.

He told his hometown newspaper, the McCreary County Record, that the judges asked to hear that song during his audition.

It didn’t air. But we did hear a bit of Zach singing Amy Winehouse’s “You Know I’m No Good” before getting a golden ticket to Hollywood.

Zach also told his hometown newspaper that he had auditioned unsuccessfully for Idol at age 16.

He attends Morehead State University as a music education major and got a chance to jump to the front of the line for this year’s Idol auditions by winning “The Idol Experience” at Disney World.

In his Road to Hollywood video, Zach says he hopes to show people from back home that “you can come from a small town and make it big.”

Zach says his musical influences include a mix of classic rock like Fleetwood Mac and more current “jazzy” artists like Adele and Amy Winehouse.

“I like to infuse a lot of different styles of music because I’m from Kentucky, and a lot of music we listen to there is a combination of country and bluegrass,” he says.

Because of his country background and the fact that he grew up on a farm, Zach said people are sometimes surprised by his “soulful sound.”

If you’d like to follow Zach, here are links to his Facebook page and Twitter account (@YouKnowZach).

I’ve embedded some samples of his singing below. You can hear more on his YouTube channel.

For profiles of more than 90 other Season 13 contestants, head here.

“Skinny Love” (Bon Iver cover)

“Words I Couldn’t Say” (Rascal Flatts cover)

“A Case of You” (Joni Mitchell cover)

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