Season 11, Season 11 in Vegas

Heejun Han’s ‘dramatic’ call home to share the good news


You just knew Heejun Han would have a humorous story about what happened after he learned he made the American Idol semifinals.

The 22-year-old from Flushing, N.Y., didn’t disappoint.

In a photo Idol posted today, Heejun describes his phone call home to break the good news to his mom.

First, she screamed.  Very loudly, judging from Heejun’s imitation.

And, then, the phone went dead.

“I’m like,  ‘What is going on?’   So I called her back.  She said she dropped her phone.  I thought she had a heart attack.

“So it was a very, very dramatic moment for me,”  Heejun said.

And what should we expect from Heejun once the voting shows begin.

“Hotness that temperature can’t even measure,” he deadpans.

Gotta love that Heejun.

Meanwhile, the so-called green mile march to the judges is apparently every bit as stressful as it looks.

Phillip Phillips Jr. said he was pretty pleased with his performances and feeling pretty good on judgment day.

Until it came time to take the walk.

“As soon as I started walking toward the judges, that’s when the nerves kicked in,”  he said.

The best description of that walk from the first 14 semifinalists came courtesy of Erika Van Pelt, 26, of South Kingstown, R.I.

She called it “the most daunting thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.  I literally felt like I was going to my execution.”

Nope, she was heading to the Idol semifinals.

Editor’s Note:  I’ll be blogging live again tonight as the final 10 semifinalists are revealed.  Tomorrow, after those videos are posted, I’ll let you know what the top 24 say we can expect from them next week and beyond.


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