Season 11, Season 11 Semifinals

Heejun: King of Twitter among Season 11 semifinalists


So, folks, should we make Heejun Han sing a few notes before we crown him the Season 11 American Idol.

Wow, I mean, American Idol has made a star of the guy.

The Twitter feeds went live for the Season 11 semifinalists Friday morning, and Heejun already has in excess of 13,000 followers.  (And who knows how many by the time you read this?)

That puts him nearly 2,000 followers ahead of the next most popular semifinalist on Twitter (Phillip Phillips, if you’re wondering).

Below, I’ve listed the Twitter accounts for each semifinalist, followed by the number of followers they had as of 7:15 p.m. Sunday.

Little has changed since I first posted these Saturday evening.  In fact, only one singer has changed rankings, with Erika Van Pelt moving way up the list, from 11 to 4, among the gals.

Meanwhile, Heejun is making good use of Twitter, sending out a couple of humorous twitpics, like the one at right.

And asking James Durbin for Haley Reinhart’s phone number.

Smart guy, that Heejun.

Here are the Twitter links.  Note that at least three don’t follow the normal first initial, last name, AI11 format.

The ladies  (Photo Gallery)

Jessica Sanchez:  @JSanchezAI11  (4,280)

Skylar Laine:  @SLaineAI11 (3,110)

Shannon Magrane:  @SMagraneAI11 (2,962)

Erika Van Pelt: @EVanPeltAI11 (2,714)

Baylie Brown: @BBrownAI11 (2,664)

Jen Hirsh:  @JHirshAI11 (2.405)

Hollie Cavanagh:  @CavanaghAI11  (2,396)

Chelsea Sorrell: @CSorrellAI11 (2,106)

Haley Johnsen:   @HJohnsenAI11 (1,863)

Brielle Von Hugel:  @BVonHugelAI11  (1,728)

Hallie Day:  @HDayAI11 (1,705)

Elise Testone:  @ETestoneAI11 (1,279)

 The guys (Photo Gallery)

Heejun Han:  @HHanAI11 (13,106)

Phillip Phillips:  @PPhillips  (11,228)

Colton Dixon:  @CDixonAI11  (9,472)

Eben Franckewitz:  @FranckewitzAI11  (6,865)

Reed Grimm:  @RGrimmAI11  (3,480)

DeAndre Brackensick:  @BrackensickAI11  (2,632)

Adam Brock:   @ABrockAI11 (2,441)

Jeremy Rosado:   @JRosadoAI11  (2,367)

Joshua Ledet:  @JLedetAI11  (2,128)

Chase Likens:  @CLikensAI11 (1,762)

Creighton Fraker:  @CFrakerAI11  (1,745)

Aaron Marcellus:   @AMarcellusAI11  (1,368)


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