Didi Benami, Season 9, Season 9 Finals

Idol finals week 3: Can a female contestant get a fair break on Idol?


Lee DeWyze impressed the judges with his week three performance on American Idol. (AmericanIdol.com)

Does anyone out there really think a female singer can get a fair shake on Idol anymore?

I mean, this is getting ridiculous.

And anyone who envisions a Crystal Bowersox-Siobhan Magnus final is being delusional.

It’ll never happen. Too many of the truly dedicated, truly fanatical Idol voters are clearly favoring the guys.

It’s nothing new. We only had one girl (Allison Iraheta) is the final four last year.

The year before that, voters somehow placed Brooke White and Carly Smithson behind Jason Castro.

And what’s happened this year?

Three weeks. And three females get the boot.

Week one: Lacey Brown. Gone.

Week two: Paige Miles. Gone.

Week three: Didi Benami. Gone.

Didi Benami was eliminated from American Idol Wednesday night. (AmericanIdol.com)Didi’s departure is most disappointing because, in spite of an admittedly subpar performance Tuesday, she’d shown flashes of excellence.

Certainly more flashes than Tim Urban, who somehow dodged the Idol bullet again and made Simon’s comments last night seem prophetic.

And certainly more flashes than Andrew Garcia, who got good feedback from the judges last night mainly because he’d been so terrible in the weeks leading up to that.


All that said, the judges were right in not using their lone save on Didi.

The way the votes are coming in, Siobhan or Crystal might need it in the near future. And Idol needs both of them in this competition.

The recap …

Deserved his fate: What Tim Urban deserved was a one-way ticket home. Instead, he winds up the second-lowest vote-getter for a second straight week. Apparently, the three stinkers and you’re out rule doesn’t apply to him. Hey, if I could do that badly on the show and still earn a spot on the summer tour, I’d be smiling too.

Very, very lucky: Put Andrew Garcia here. I mean, he hasn’t been in the bottom three yet, but probably deserved to be at least twice and perhaps all three weeks. Who’s voting for the guy? Does someone actually think he’s going to recapture that “Straight Up” magic again, after all these weeks of mediocrity?

Stock rising: Lee DeWyze established himself as a force to be reckoned with this week, and Ryan acknowledged that fact again during Wednesday’s results show. If he can continue looking that comfortable and confident on stage … well, there’s no doubt he has the singing talent to hang around until very late in season nine.

The judges seemed less impressed with Aaron Kelly during week three of American Idol. (AmericanIdol.com)Stock singing: Pennsylvania teen Aaron Kelly lost some of his luster this week and is going to have a tough time hanging with three better singers — Michael Lynche, Casey James and Lee. Siobhan took a major step back with this week’s performance, and pretty much got marching orders from Simon to stop screaming at the end of each song. Will she listen? I expect her to bounce back strong in week four.

On the bubble: Given the way this competition is going, young Katie Stevens had better pull out all the stops next week. While the judges argue over what style of music she should be singing, Katie has landed in the bottom three two straight weeks. Another so-so performance could end her Idol run.

Coming tomorrow: An exit interview with Didi Benami.

Oh, and in case you missed it, Ruben Studdard announced a summer tour with Clay Aiken tonight. A welcome reunion of American Idol’s season two finalists, I’d say.

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