Season 11, Season 11 finals

Idol Top 7 recap: Who should stay and who should go


Wow, Nigel, see what happens when you let the Season 11 Idols sing current music?

We get a great performance show, filled with those special Idol moments people will still be talking about tomorrow.

It happened a couple of weeks ago, when you let the cast sing songs by their own Idols.

It happened last night, when you let the cast sing songs from the past three years.

In between, we were served up a very blah episode of ’80s music.

So what should you do next week?

Give the Idols another chance to sing current music, should they choose.

On with the recap.

Best of the Night:  Elise Testone, hands down.  Idol loves Elise.  She’s gotten lots of special treatment, including show-closing honors at least three times.  And when she’s on, her vocals are show-stopping good.  She was on Wednesday night.  She was on during the duet of “Somebody I Used to Know” with Phillip Phillips.  And she was on when she sang up home with Lady Gaga’s “You and I.”  I didn’t think I was going to be that impressed, the way that song opened.  Then Elise got out from behind the piano and started doing all these special things with her voice that just had me going, “Wow.”

Runners-up:    I graded Jessica Sanchez’s solo performance slightly better than Elise’s until I watched them back a second time.  I’d listened to “Stuttering” pre-show because I wasn’t that familiar with the tune.  And sorta wondered about the song choice.  Then Jessica slayed it with a pitch-perfect performance from beginning to end.  Filled with emotion, too.  She lands here rather than above only because her vocals were off on that weird version of “Stronger” with Hollie Cavanagh and Joshua Ledet.

Joshua also gets runners-up honors.  He was all over the place and all over-the-top on “Stronger.”  Wow, I did not like that version of the song.  But for his solo performance, Joshua went upbeat for the first time since week one of the finals and pulled it off brilliantly.  In fact, I think “Runaway Baby” was my favorite Joshua Ledet performance just because he had fun, showed he could do more than sing power ballads and still managed to squeeze in a few of those “Mantasia” notes.  Oh, boy, do I hate that nickname.

Worst of the Night:   If you go by Twitter followers and Facebook likes, Colton Dixon is the most popular contestant on Idol.  Sorry, Colton fans, but I did not like his vocal on “Love the Way You Lie.”  I love the song.  I love the idea of a guy singing the song, because he can’t be compared to Rihanna or Skylar Grey.  I just did not love Colton’s voice on the song.  Nice ending, but what came before it was just so-so compared to the other performances we heard Wednesday night.

Please keep him:  Phillip Phillips did not get very good reviews from the judges for his performance of Maroon 5’s “Give a Little More.”  And I’d have to agree, it wasn’t up to Phillip Phillips’ standards.  The judges also made a point of saying Elise outsang him during their duet.  Maybe it’s all part of what Jimmy Iovine talked about last week — the need to push Phillip to do better.  Personally, I loved hearing him sing with Elise, without his guitar, because it reminded me of how good his voice is.  He’s certainly worth keeping around for a couple more weeks.

Quote of the night from the judges:  It actually came from psuedo judge Jimmy Iovine, and it’s something I wish contestants on all of these shows — Idol, The Voice and The X Factor — would make sure to remember.  “You don’t have to be different for the sake of being different,” Jimmy said.  “You have to be great for the sake of being great.”   Idol contestants could save themselves from lots of missteps if they just followed that advice.

What should happen Thursday:  Hollie Cavanagh should go home.  Her vocal on “Perfect” was her best in three weeks.  But she picked a song that benefits from the grit and rawness of Pink’s voice, then delivered it without any sense of grit or rawness or passion.  Oh, Hollie’s trademark big notes were there, in all their glory.  But it wound up not being the perfect song choice.

What will happen Thursday:   After watching Idol fans boot Heejun Han and Deandre Brackensick in consecutive weeks … well, let’s just say I’m gaining faith in those fans.  Faith that they’ll get it right and oust Hollie on Thursday.  Landing beside her in the bottom three — Skylar Laine and maybe Phillip if his supporters get complacent.  If they rally behind Phillip, don’t be surprised to see Joshua or Elise wind up on a stool of danger.  Remember what I wrote earlier today about the judges saving that save.

Coming tomorrow:  A photo gallery from tonight’s show and live blogging during the results.

If you missed it:  Here’s the link to the live blog with the song-by-song grades.

As for the grades …

Elise Testone: “You and I” — A
Jessica Sanchez: “Stuttering” — A
Joshua Ledet: “Runaway Baby” — A-
Elise Testone and Phillip Phillips — “Somebody I Used to Know” — A-
Skylar Laine: “Didn’t You Know How Much I Loved You” — B-
Hollie Cavanagh: “Perfect” — B-
Phillip Phillips: “Give a Little More” — B-
Colton Dixon: “Love the Way You Lie” — C+
Skylar Laine and Colton Dixon: “Don’t You Want to Stay” — C+
Hollie Cavanagh, Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet: “Stronger” — D-

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  1. You Wish April 12, 2012 at 5:33 am -  Reply

    Elise was seriously the worst of the night! You must have been high on something green and sticky! BEST? That was a joke right?

    • Jonas April 12, 2012 at 1:18 pm -  Reply

      I agree…. she messed up Gaga’s song… it doesnt suit for her…

    • RudyP April 13, 2012 at 2:25 pm -  Reply

      Elise was the best last night. Joshua, Holley and Philip should have been in the bottom 3, period. Jessica receives too much credit from the judges, in my opinion.

      What were you taking when you wrote your opinion on Elise. Apparently you have no idea of what musical talent is.

  2. Flippy April 12, 2012 at 6:13 am -  Reply

    You really think P2 SHOULD stay? Frankly, he hasn’t given particularly great performances. Last week was painful. Both his duets since last week were mostly Elise carrying the duo. And this week? Antiseptic. One of his better ones, but on this night, not really.

    • Mark Franklin April 12, 2012 at 4:55 pm -  Reply

      Absolutely, he should stay.

      Is he better than Hollie Cavanagh? Yes, even though I really like Hollie.

      Is he beter than Skylar Laine? Yes again. Syklar goes sharp almost every time she stretches for a big note.

      After those 2 are eliminated, we can start looking at who deserves to go next.

  3. Garrett Clayman April 12, 2012 at 6:19 pm -  Reply

    P2 is terrible and yet he is always on top of your rankings! he sings the same every week, and i cannot wait for him to go home

    • Mark Franklin April 12, 2012 at 7:19 pm -  Reply

      The rankings are a combination of who well a singer does and how I expect him/her to do based on Idol voting trends. I expect someone new to be at the top next week though.

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