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Jordan Smith talks about fulfilling one dream and others to follow


Jordan Smith answers questions during a post-victory press conference on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jordan Smith answers questions during a post-victory press conference on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Now that he’s fulfilled one dream by winning The Voice, Jordan Smith says he has a whole list of things he’d like to accomplish.

He didn’t share the full list during a post-win press conference Tuesday night, but said he’s starting writing music and would love to one day sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

“This has been one of the big ones,” he said. “I’ve been a fan of the show for a very long time. I’ve talked about being on the show with my girlfriend for three years or longer.

“So to be here is a huge deal for me. It’s such a dream come true. When I saw that that dream was slowly becoming true, I said to myself, ‘I’m not going to limit myself. I’m not going to limit God and his opportunities for me. So I’m going to write down a list of all the things I’d love to do one day.'”

His advice to future contestants on the show: Take time to enjoy the experience.

“I’m looking back and it’s gone by so quickly,” he said. “I’m so thankful that I didn’t spend each moment so nervous that I missed it. Or spend each time worrying so much over my performance or other little things that I missed the joy of being here and doing this and working with people like Adam.”

Coach Adam Levine credited Jordan’s level-headed approach to the competition — in addition to his incredible vocal talent, of course — for the Kentucky native’s victory.

Oh, and he couldn’t prevent himself from taking a little jab at fellow coach Blake Shelton, thanking Jordan for the opportunity to do so.

“Jordan gets to win The Voice and I get to tear Blake apart for the next six months, bragging about my win and his drought of victory,” Adam said. “It’s gonna be great. I’m going to think of new and exciting ways to make him feel terrible.”

As for Jordan, he said he plans to spend some quality time with his family and girlfriend before embarking on the next journey — trying to check off more things on that dream list.

Among the other topics he covered during the press conference …

* Though he was considered the front-runner throughout the process, he said “there is doubt that creeps in” regarding the outcome, especially considering how talented the other contestants were.

* He said his favorite performance was covering Queen’s “Somebody to Love” on Top 9 week. It turned out to be the second time he topped the iTunes Top 200 singles chart.

* He said his decision to close the show by singing “Climb Every Mountain” wasn’t a proclamation of victory, but a reminder to himself. “The hard work is about to start,” he said. “For me, that song was more like, ‘Hey, Jordan, don’t forget, you still have a whole lot of hard work to do.'”

See also:
Photo gallery of Jordan Smith’s big night
Best moments from the Season 9 finale
Warning to The Voice: History can repeat itself

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