Season 11, Season 11 finals

Joshua was robbed, but it might work to his advantage


Well, if there was any doubt that Joshua Ledet got robbed of a spot in the Idol finale that should have been his, I think he erased it with that sing-off performance of “It’s a Man’s World.”

Very classy, Joshua.  Especially pulling your mom up on stage like that.

And a fantastic vocal, of course.

Better, I’m pretty sure, than the “We’ve Got Tonight” performance everyone was raving about on Idol the past two nights.

Ah, but that’s right.  I forgot.  It’s not about hitting the notes.  Hey, Steven told us so.

OK, I’m a little bitter.  I had predicted a Jessica Sanchez-Phillip Phillips matchup in the finale.

But I was holding out just a glimmer of hope that talent might prevail.  That the best two singers might face off.

I should have known better.  Adam Lambert showed up on the Idol stage Thursday night.  And if there’s ever been an example of how talent doesn’t always prevail on Idol, he’s it.

Shame Crystal Bowersox wasn’t on hand.  She would have served wonderfully as exhibit B.

The good news for Joshua fans is that the folks at Idol recognize his talent.  He will get to record an album.

And, because he isn’t a finalist, he might actually benefit from having longer to work on that debut album than he would have gotten otherwise.

That, folks, could be critical to his future success.

I’m pretty sure Idol has bigger things in mind for Joshua than a gospel album.

But it could be tricky finding the right material that will capitalize on Joshua’s vocal style, yet still appeal to music lovers … and all those fans who apparently didn’t think enough of his singing to put him in the Idol finale.

Meanwhile, Jessica Sanchez becomes the next female to try to break the four-year winning streak for white guys with guitars on Idol.

Crystal couldn’t do it.  Lauren Alaina couldn’t do it.

Can Jessica?  Lots, lots more on that between now and Tuesday’s final performance show.  So keep checking back.

Other random notes from Thursday’s show …

** Jimmy Iovine’s critiques were on the mark again.  And a wonderful reminder that if Jennifer Lopez really leaves Idol, that if there’s a spot to fill at the judges’ table, Nigel Lythgoe and company need to fill that spot with Jimmy or someone else who’s capable or delivering those types of critiques on performance night, when it still counts, rather than results night, after all the votes have been cast.  And if there isn’t an empty chair at the judges’ table, one should be created.

** Adam Lambert’s “Never Close Our Eyes” was one of the best results show performances we’ve seen on Idol this season.  He sang the heck out of that song.  And it’s not even the best song on his album.  Check out the title track “Trespassing” and the ballad “Outlaws of Love.”  And it’s filled with great vocals throughout.  Well, what else would you expect from Adam?

** Speaking of which, don’t forget that we get two new Idol albums next week.  Haley Reinhart releases “Listen Up” and Kris Allen releases “Thank You, Camelia.”  I’m a little anxious about the former.  I have high hopes that the latter will be better than Kris’ rushed post-Idol debut.

** So, as Lisa Marie Presley took the stage Thursday night, I posed the question on Twitter: Why is she on Idol?  Thanks to @cjester27 and @mariabintexas, I got an answer.  She’s managed by Simon Fuller.  Of course, the funniest part was when Ryan introduced her as rock royalty.  I must have missed that coronation.

** And, under the category of bizarre trivia, I just saw a Tweet I have to share.  Idol arranges names alphabetically by first name, as we all know.  Well, in 10 seasons, the finalist who would be listed first alphabetically has never won.  Seriously.  I just double checked and it’s true.   Sorry, Jessica.  Oh, and have fun doing that Ford commercial all by yourself next week.

** And, finally, shame on Idol for stuffing Thursday’s show with so much filler that we didn’t get to hear the very end of Joshua’s farewell song.  Seriously.  I mean, come on, guys.  You couldn’t trim a minute or so off that in-show Ice Age movie commercial?  That was more stupid than turning the song reveals into a commercial Wednesday night. At least then, a farewell performance wasn’t trimmed. Oh, well, guess money means more than an appropriate farewell for departing contestants.

Editor’s Note:  Check back tomorrow for an exit interview with Joshua and photos from tonight’s show.

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  1. Stephanie Bonaventura May 18, 2012 at 2:21 am -  Reply

    Joshua was robbed!!!!!!! Not only did America get it wrong but the judges did too! Phillip should have been gone weeks ago and they kept on raving about his talent…what talent???
    It’s a singing competition not”Who’s the cutest”…!!!!
    Won’t be watching the Finale!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. mike May 18, 2012 at 2:58 am -  Reply

    I feel sick to my stomache that Joshua is gone. I was actually wondering if he was from another planet because Ive never seen anyone on this earth with that kind of talent and neither has the judges. Ovation after ovation he just keeps delivering what seems to be impossible at any age. I was going to mention how Americans are still living in the dark ages. But… Here in Canada talent has no color.

  3. Margo Dill May 18, 2012 at 4:03 am -  Reply

    I am just remembering that Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson seemed to have survived their early demise just fine. I am so disappointed, but you made some good points here.

    THe fact is Joshua sang better than most of the “professionals” that sang on Thursday nights results shows.

    AND Jennifer Lopez fills the Paula Abdul role and better (although I do love Paula–she made no sense.) You have to have a cheerleader on the panel–Jimmy should take Steven’s place. I love him, too, but he makes no sense. Jennifer has to explain what he means most of the time.

    My two cents. 🙂

  4. pmcd May 18, 2012 at 5:47 am -  Reply

    Great article. I personally don’t care for the kind of music that Joshua sings ( or could sing) but I just couldn’t help but be amazed at how talented he is. Jessica was always my favourite ( as was Crystal, Melinda, Adam Lambert, etc …). For the life of me I still can’t understand why Jimmy thought that Phillip sang that Bob Seger great song well. It may not have been as bad as his Zombies’ night song but that was really not a great vocal. Heck he missed more notes than he hit and, unless we are going to simply move to artificial voices, singing should matter. I usually find Jimmy’s analyses great. In short, I feel that AI’s stature has suffered a serious blow by not have a JS and JL finale. Phillip is very likeable and there seems to be a place for his genre but he is very tweak vocally and that should matter. There were two singers in a different league in the final three. Phillip was not one of them ( in fact Hollie should have been in the final 3 in my opinion, rather than PP).

    Thank you for all the interesting articles about Idol.


  5. Pat May 18, 2012 at 12:35 pm -  Reply

    I’m sorry guys, but Phillip Phillips CANNOT sing!! Com’on guys, seriously? I think Idol should add a week where they must sing a portion of a song acapella, so we can REALLY hear what’s going on! Phillip is obviously popular among the teens/tweens, but would you actually “listen” to his CD over & over? Idol has become less of a vocal talent competition, and more of a “ooo, he’s so cute” competition. With that being said, Phillip will win and we’ll forget his name like the last several guitar-playin winning guys. Vocally, Joshua & Jessica should have been dukin’ it out in the finale – it would have been an honest competition. Hands down.

  6. Sue May 19, 2012 at 5:22 pm -  Reply

    Joshua was robbed – plain and simple. I can’t believe American’s are so fickle that they couldn’t pick up the phone when he needed it the most. It’s true – in 50 years we haven’t seen anyone with that kind of power performance – and EVERY TIME he got on stage. Steven Tyler’s jaw dropped understandably when he heard the elimination and, if I’m not wrong, it sounded like Randy said people had called him and said they wouldn’t be watching the finale if Joshua wasn’t in it. Me either.

  7. Doc9 May 19, 2012 at 5:45 pm -  Reply

    Yeah, you must have missed the coronation. She’s Elvis’s friggin daughter.

    • Mark Franklin May 20, 2012 at 1:19 am -  Reply

      Hey, I’m aware of that. But what has SHE accomplished musically?

  8. Sherylita May 20, 2012 at 10:50 pm -  Reply

    It’s tragic, somebody call the authorities, because not was Joshua robbed, American Idol is no longer in the hands of America. Their voting system is flawed and used by WFTW and Oversea’s voters to either skew the contest in favor of the WORST singer P2, or the other option who is quite talented in her own right. However, did America really get to choose. No I don’t think so, this is not OUR BEST is it? Is this what we want the world to think our BEST is? LOL JOSHUA LEDET Remember his NAME, BUY his CD, GO to his CONCERTS!

  9. Sherylita May 20, 2012 at 10:51 pm -  Reply

    somebody call the authorities, because not only was Joshua robbed, American Idol is no longer in the hands of America. Their voting system is flawed and used by WFTW and Oversea’s voters to either skew the contest in favor of the WORST singer P2, or the other option who is quite talented in her own right. However, did America really get to choose. No I don’t think so, this is not OUR BEST is it? Is this what we want the world to think our BEST is? LOL JOSHUA LEDET Remember his NAME, BUY his CD, GO to his CONCERTS!

  10. Dex May 21, 2012 at 3:36 am -  Reply

    Ledet was rob, do you mean America rob Ledet?

    Just look at Ledet and Philip style of singing it is so contrasting. Philip cool, easy while Ledet screaming, on top of his voice, shouting. Maybe America wants cool dude!

    • valerie May 22, 2012 at 11:17 am -  Reply

      I am still in shock of the AI robbery of Joshua Ledet’s chance to go to the finals, there should be an investigation into the voting rigging that certainly applied, because voting stopped at 11:38 pm est. Joshua you will have the best album, make the most money and will be able to say, AMERICAN IDOL, HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW……..

  11. lovely1 May 22, 2012 at 3:33 pm -  Reply

    Joshua was definitely robbed and there is no way I will EVER believe he didn’t get enough votes unless I could see the numbers for myself!!! Phillip should have been gone a long time ago!!! Jessica is good, but Nobody on that show could sing like JOSHUA!! I think race is an issue here and Idol needs to realize, that whatever God has for Joshua, NOBODY can stop it!!!

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