After The Voice

Kensington Moore talks about her new Queensland-inspired EP


Kensington Moore, 17, just released her second EP, the six-track "Queensland."

Kensington Moore, 17, just released her second EP, the six-track “Queensland.”

When Kensington Moore started singing, she focused on country music because, if you’re into music and you’re in Kentucky, that’s just what you do.

Oddly, it was after Kensington and her family moved to Nashville — the country music capital of the world — that she decided to change directions and focus on pop music, with a touch of soul thrown in.

Now, at just 17 years old, the Season 7 contestant on The Voice has already released her second EP.

“Queensland,” a six-track effort, hit iTunes earlier this month. Kensington has already released a video for one of the EP’s best tunes, “Strangers,” and promises another soon.

As for the title track, well, Kensington says there was no doubt in her mind which song that should be, one she calls “so special to me.”

That title track, in which she sings plaintively about “stupid geography,” is about a guy she met from Queensland, Australia.

“I thought I was in love with him, and it made no sense to me why he had to be 10,000 miles away,” she says. “I was so vulnerable.

“I like how that song is very simple and broken-down. I feel like it’s easier to translate heartfelt, deep emotions when the track is more acoustic and raw. I wanted this song to just be simple and real. ‘Queensland’ is kind of the root for all of the other songs, too. I can relate my relationship with the Queensland guy with all of my other songs on the record.”

Oh, and Kensington wrote those songs, with the help of her “amazing mom,” whom she describes as “an incredible writer.”

Most of the songs on “Queensland” are about a specific person or situation, Kensington says. One exception is “Nobody Else,” which is about finding true love.

“I hope that one day I can sing it to someone and really mean every word,” she says.

Kensington’s first EP, the self-titled “Kensi Moore,” came out when she was just 15. After experimenting with different elements of pop, Kensington says she thinks she’s matured in her style and sound since then.

“I finally figured out what makes me, me, and I think (this EP) does a great job of representing that,” she says.

On The Voice, she landed a spot on Team Blake by auditioning with OneRepublic’s “Love Runs Out.” She advanced to the battle round against fellow teen Reagan James before being eliminated.

She calls being on The Voice “the best experience of my life.”

“I learned so much and I am so thankful for the time I had on the show,” she says. “I know it was a huge part of God’s plan for me. I made so many friends that will last forever. If you listen closely, you might just hear some familiar voices from the show on my record.”

In fact, she’s heading out on tour with one of her Season 7 friends from The Voice. She and Jordy Searcy have 15 tour dates planned, beginning Feb. 25 (Jackson, Mississippi) and continuing through May 20 (Lubbock, Texas).

You can check out the complete list on Kensington’s Facebook page. You can also keep up with Kensington through her website.

Now, here’s the video for “Strangers” and an acoustic version of “Queensland.”

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