After The Voice

Marisa Corvo, Courtnie Ramirez, Kendra Checketts release singles

  • Marisa Corvo from The Voice Season 19
    Marisa Corvo from The Voice Season 19


New music released recently includes post-Voice singles from Marisa Corvo, Courtnie Ramirez and Kendra Checketts.

Here’s more on each of those releases.

The links take you to the songs on Apple Music.

* Marisa Corvo from Season 19 has an upbeat new single out called “Top Down.” From what I can tell, it’s her first release since making it to the knockout round on The Voice. Marisa even breaks into a rap at one point. GO Magazine also just named Marisa to its list of 100 Women We Love 2021 because of the way she overcame adversity after coming out as gay. Marisa’s reaction: “I’m so humbled and honored. I will always stand up for the LGBTQ+ community and my message will always be focused around the fact that self-love and self-acceptance helps us love and accept others.”

* Courtnie Ramirez from Season 11 recently released a father’s day tribute called “Yours.” She wrote the song with Tyrus Morgan and Joey Elwood. Writes Courtnie on Instagram: “I have waited so long to write this song and here it is … This song is so special. It’s my whole life’s story … I hope when you listen to this song a wave of peace and comfort would wash over you!”

* Kendra Checketts from Season 16 recently released a catchy pop single called “Blasé” in which she tells an admirer to get lost. It’s Kendra’s first single of 2021. She was a Top 24 finisher on The Voice. As you can tell from the photo above, Kendra also recently sang the national anthem before a San Diego Padres’ game.

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