Casey Abrams, Janelle Arthur, Season 10

Meet Austin’s Idol stars: Janelle Arthur, Casey Abrams


Janell Arthur, Hollywood-bound on American IdolOK, I’ve been able to round up a little more information on two of tonight’s most impressive American Idol contestants from Austin — Janelle Arthur and Casey Abrams.

Janelle hails from Oliver Spring, Tenn. And even at age 20, she’s a pretty experienced musician.

She performed with the Country Tonite Theatre in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. (think the Smoky Mountain region) from 2001 to 2009, according to her MySpace. The show’s website still includes a 2007 cast photo that includes her. She was a featured female vocalist at the time.

In Tuesday’s episode, the graduate of  Covenant Christian Academy told us her family has been trying to convince her to try out for Idol for five years. She said she finally feels ready to take that chance.

Then she impressed the judges with renditions of Duffy’s  “Syrup and Honey”  — one of the more restrained vocals of the night — and Shania Twain’s “No One Needs to Know.”

Below, you’ll find three videos of Janelle performing.

Casey Abrams is Hollywood bound on American IdolAs for Casey Abrams, the 19-year-old is studying music at the University of Colorado at Boulder, according to his Facebook page.

He went to the Idyllwild Arts Academy for jazz studies and film scoring and writes “I am currently scoring films, making pop songs, playing jazz gigs and making movies.”

At one point, he was apparently part of a group called the Ascension Jazz Trio. His preferred genres: rock and R&B. Again, according to Facebook.

He dazzled the Idol judges with a spirited version of “I Don’t Need No Doctor” and displayed oodles of personality, which never hurts when it comes to standing out on Idol.

That personality shines through in the first of the three videos of him I’ve posted below.

Now, if you’re wondering about John Wayne Schulz, one of tonight’s other featured contestants … well, I haven’t been able to find much about his recent musical endeavors.

But as I reported in the live blog, he recorded an album called “Ropin’ Dreams” as a teen, and it’s apparently still available from at the bargain price of $4.90.

Now, for more of Janelle and Casey.
Janell Arthur

Signing the Blues

Don’t Fence Me In

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Casey Abrams

Crazy Little Thing Called Love video

Singing “Smooth”

Singing “L-O-V-E”

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