The Voice

Meet Mitchell Ferguson of The Voice Season 15


Mitchell Ferguson auditioned for Season 15 of The Voice.

Mitchell Ferguson auditioned for Season 15 of The Voice.

The Voice certainly rounded up some talent in Texas for Season 15.

Another of the Texans to audition for the show is Mitchell Ferguson, a 25-year-old who has already released lots of music and apparently has more on the way.

The Voice returns to NBC on Monday, Sept. 24. Here’s more about Mitchell.

* Mitchell got his start as frontman for a rock band called Louisiana Purchase, four guys from Texas rounded out by Micahel Ferguson, Chance Williams and Dawson Slaby.

* Between 2013 and 2015, they released three projects — “The Mysterious Incident of the Super Groovy Mojo,” “The Weekend Escobars” and “Biogaphies,” all of which are available on Bandcamp.

* The band described its sound as “a little undefinable, but it’s definitely rock.”

* But by 2015, Mitchell was embarking on a solo career in the singer-songwriter mold. In September of that year, he released the 12-song “In Search of Certainly.” Again, you can find the album on Bandcamp.

* Mitchell’s also done some acting. A combination of those gigs and touring led him to St. Louis, according to his website bio. That’s were he recorded his followup solo project, the six-song “Basement Statements,” released in late 2017.

* Why “Basement Statements?” Mitchell explains in his Facebook bio. “Most of these songs were written while I was going through an extremely humbling transitional period in my life. I had just graduated college and was living in my younger brother’s basement in St. Louis, trying to figure out who I was post grad/post relationship/’real world,'” he writes. “. I had a lot of high expectations and very close ‘almosts’ one after another that left me feeling discouraged. Way down. In a basement, if you will. I also realized I didn’t have anything that was truly mine other than my clothes, my guitars, and my songs. So I dove in. These songs came out of that basement. It’s about falling in love, falling out, making decisions, and moving on.”

* That was a busy year for Mitchell and his band. They logged more than 200 shows all across the U.S.

* Back in Dallas, Mitchell has recorded another batch of songs, his website bio says. The first was “Cry,” released in June. You can check it out below.

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