Carrie Underwood

Meet Sesame Street’s new character, Carrie Underworm


Carrie Underwood at the People's Choice Awards. (AP Photo)

From the Super Bowl to Sesame Street, with the grace only Carrie Underwood could muster.

Wonder what in the world I’m talking about?

Well, I just got the latest Carrie Underwood news. She’s going to appear on Sesame Street Feb. 11. Or at least a character created in her likeness (?) will be on the show.

The character is called Carrie Underworm — a red worm with big eyes and long blond hair.

This much is for sure. The voice belting out the worm anthem is all Carrie.

And such lyrics …

“I’m happy and I’m proud to be a worm

I can wiggle, I can squiggle, I can squirm.”

Of course, in true Sesame Street form, it’s quite catchy.

Go here for a video snippet of Carrie Underworm.

And if you missed Carrie’s national anthem performance at the Super Bowl, check out the photos here and the performance in the video below.


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