Season 4, The Voice

Meet Trevor Davis of Team Blake on The Voice


Not every member of Team Blake sings country music.

Take 32-year-old Trevor Davis of San Diego, for instance.

Trevor Davis of Team Blake on The Voice. (NBC Photo)He classifies his music as just about everything but country — pop, soul, rock and indie.

And, though we saw him just briefly during the blind auditions, he already has an impressive array of tunes on iTunes, including a pair of albums and six EPs.

The most recent is “The Plow,” a single released last year, and “Bold as a Lion,” a four-track EP released in 2011.

In his Facebook bio and in a 2011 interview in which he talks about the release of that EP, Trevor refers to a rough childhood.

He lived in a single-parent household and says his mother struggled with drugs. His grandmother helped raise him, but Trevor says he also was “self-raised” to a certain extent.

He says he and his mother attended an all-black gospel church, which influenced him musically. Later, he drew musical inspiration from Christian rock bands.

“So I love gospel, I love hardcore, I love anything that’s not conservative, not reserving itself or being polite,” he said in that 2011 interview. “I think that music should just be fully vulnerable.”

On The Voice, he auditioned with “Keep Your Head Up” and wound up with Team Blake.

Trevor describes it as a nice match of mentor and pupil, because he says he tends to be hard on himself and thinks Blake will help give him any confidence he lacks.

And while he tried to tell himself his blind audition was just like another show, he found that wasn’t quite the case.

This, after all, was not an acoustic show in a dark bar. There was an audience responding, and four superstar coaches listening.

“When Blake turned around his chair, it was like a hundred puppies rushing my face, wanting to lick my ears,” he told The Voice in his post-audition interview.

On Twitter, Trevor is simply @TrevorDavis. Here’s his Facebook page and his YouTube channel. There’s also all that music to check out on iTunes.

Meanwhile, here are two tracks from that 2011 EP.

Update: Trevor lost to Grace Askew in the battle round. They were asked to sing “Me and Bobby McGee.” Trevor was not saved.

“Larger Than Me”

“Bold As a Lion”

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