Paula Abdul

More Idols react to Paula’s possible departure


Brent KeithHere’s some of the latest reaction I’ve received to the news that American Idol might proceed without Paula Abdul in season nine.

Brent Keith: “I’ll believe it when I see it! Every year they have this same old controversy about somebody maybe not coming back and then they all come back … every time. If she’s not there when the show starts again this season, then I’ll be suprised. Until then, I’m not buying it.”

Brent recently posted a new song on his MySpace page, “Found.” It’s a different version of a song former Idol contestant Josh Gracin included on his second album.

Kristen McNamara Kristen McNamara (aka “KMAC”): “My reaction to Paula leaving? Well, my reaction is sad. The American Idol Show wouldn’t be the same without Randy, Paula or Simon. They are the icons and characters of the show, and have been since day one. I am not certain of the facts behind Paula leaving, but either way, it makes me sad. Abdul has a lot to offer the world, she is extremely talented and giving. Paula is such a wonderful kind hearted person. I wear the jewelry she gave me on a regular basis. Paula will be missed. One thing I do know is, American Idol (the show that opens doors) was a stepping stone to her next journey in life. Just like it was for all the rest of us who aren’t on the show anymore….!”

Judging from her MySpace, Kristen’s been busy since Idol. Several new songs are up. Make sure to check out: “Didn’t Mean to Break Your Heart” and “F-F-F-F-Figure it Out.”

Felicia BartonFelicia Barton: “I am devastated that she is leaving … Idol will not be the same … the thing is, she says what we need to hear in the midst of criticism. … not that we don’t want to hear the other, but it is nice to hear you look great! … I still won’t completely believe it though until this season starts and she is not there! Paula knows what it is like to do what we are all doing … and out of all of the judges she is the one that made me really feel like she genuinely wanted to see us all succeed! If it is in fact true, she will be missed!”

Felicia also has new music on MySpace — “Magic Carpet” and “Foolish About Your Love.” And if you need an excuse to head to Virginia Beach this weekend, she’ll be playing a free show Friday night at the 17th Street Stage.

If you missed what the other judges had to say on the first day of season nine auditions minus Abdul, go here. Kara wore black; she was in mourning, she says.

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