After The Voice

Season 10 standout Moushumi planning a new album


Moushumi, of The Voice Season 10, is nearly her fundraising goal for a new album.

Moushumi, of The Voice Season 10, is nearly her fundraising goal for a new album.

Moushumi, a Top 20 contestant from Season 10, is working on her first post-Voice album.

And she’s launched a KickStarter campaign with hopes of releasing that album later this year.

With four days to go in the campaign, she’s nearing her goal of raising $10,000. As for 2 p.m. Saturday, pledges totaled nearly $8,700.

Based in Edison, N.J., Moushumi was 22 when she auditioned for Season 10, covered “Wicked Game” and turned the chairs of all three coaches who still had spots on their teams.

She joined Team Pharrell Williams and advanced all the way to the live playoffs before being eliminated.

Before her audition aired, she released a five-track EP called “Red Like Mine” in the fall of 2015.

Once hesitant about sharing her music, Moushumi says that after The Voice experience “I took a break to write. To reflect. To really understand why I love music in the first place.

“The experiences I had and the extraordinary people I met in that limited amount of time allowed me to rediscover what it means to be a songwriter.

“I’ve grown more mentally and emotionally than I have in my entire life,” the now 24-year-old writes in her KickStarter intro. “This past year and a half has left me broken, whole, broken again, happier than I’ve ever been, and with an almost finished record that I cannot wait to share.”

She’s offering a host of rewards to contributors, everything from digital downloads to songwriting lessons. Some even include a hand-decorated cassette tape of the new album. Head here for more on the KickStarter campaign.

Meanwhile, you can keep up with Moushumi through her website or Facebook page. On Twitter, she’s @MoushumiMusic.

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