Charity Vance, Season 10

Song of the Day: “Icing” by Charity Vance


Charity Vance has made it to Hollywood two straight years on American Idol.OK, I’ve officially got this song stuck it my head.

I first heard it a couple of weeks ago, when researching American Idol contestants who had advanced to Hollywood from the Nashville auditions.

I immediately downloaded it from iTunes and have found myself humming it from time to time ever since.

The song is called “Icing.” It’s by Charity Vance.

And it’s a wonderful little slice of musical sunshine. Not to mention the perfect song for Valentine’s Day.

To be honest, I’m not certain of Charity’s status on Idol. I didn’t spot her in Thursday’s episode about the first round of Hollywood Week.

But she recently posted an interview on Facebook that she did with an Arkansas radio station. In it, she talks about moving to Nashville and releasing an EP or album later this year. Not the type of talk you’re likely to hear at this stage from someone who’s still a contestant on Idol.

Charity hails from Little Rock, Ark.  She has five singles on iTunes. You can check them all out at her website. To listen to “Icing,” just hit play on the video I’ve embedded below.

Charity also made it to Hollywood on Idol in season nine. In fact, she met her boyfriend while waiting to audition for the show.

He plays in a band called Half Priced Hearts, which has two EPs available for download.

And, yes, Charity admits, a couple of the Half Priced Hearts songs are about her.

Best of luck in Nashville, Charity. Looking forward to that EP or album.

Editor’s note: To check out last week’s Song of the Day, “Dreamin’ Alone” by Grand Magnolias, which includes Idol contestant Paul McDonald, go here. The goal is to introduce you to a song each week by one of this year’s contestants who made it to Hollywood.

To check out profiles of lots of this year’s Idol contestants, go here. Eliminations have already started, but I’ll eventually include all of the golden ticket recipients, many of whom have excellent music that’s already available.

And, now, “Icing” …


  1. Jen February 16, 2011 at 2:48 pm -  Reply

    Charity was on last year’s American Idol season. She was cut at the top 24. She’s great!

  2. Bizzy February 20, 2011 at 3:59 pm -  Reply

    Charity “don’t need no stinkin’ idol” to make her way to the top….

  3. Tina Rischbieter April 28, 2011 at 3:09 pm -  Reply

    I remember watching her on Idol. I have purchased all of her songs on iTunes. I think she’s awesome. Listen to the other songs too, you will become a fan of them all. RUN AWAY WITH ME for example. AWESOME

  4. Shelley Vance May 25, 2011 at 1:38 pm -  Reply

    Charity Vance has a great NEW music video to her original song “Icing” coming out SOON. Will be available on Youtube, go to “charityvancemusic” and subscribe to her channel.

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