After The Voice

Sylvia Yacoub returns with ‘Vertigo’


Slyvia Yacoub's Vertigo EPThis week brought another debut release from a former contestant on The Voice.

Sylvia Yacoub released the five-track EP called “Vertigo,” now available on iTunes.

Unless you’d like a signed physical copy of the EP, in which case you can visit Sylvia’s website and order one for $9.99, plus $3 for shipping and handling.

Sylvia placed in the Top 10 on Season 3 of The Voice and told that she recorded the five songs on the EP in the summer of 2013 with Nashville producers Eric Masse and Jordan Lehning.

You can hear a touch of Nashville in the song “Light Me Up,” but this is a pop EP all the way.

On Facebook, Sylvia writes that she was a major contributor and writer on every song.

Her vocal chops are particularly evident on a lovely ballad called “Not Anymore.” And the title track is probably the song most likely to get stuck in your head.

Syliva described that song this way to “The idea is that in any type of relationship, if there is an ending point, it kind of makes a person dizzy, it makes them lose control in a sense, kind of like vertigo.”

Born in Egypt but raised in Michigan, Sylvia’s also busy with college these days. She’s in her final semester at the University of Michigan where she is a dual major in political science and philosophy.

Here’s a snippet of “Light Me Up.”

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