The Voice

The Voice announces a comeback twist


Contestants in the running for comeback honors on The Voice include (from left) Aaron Hines, Hailey Green, Samara Brown and Vaughn Mugol. (NBC Photo)

Contestants in the running for comeback honors on The Voice include (from left) Aaron Hines, Hailey Green, Samara Brown and Vaughn Mugol. (NBC Photo)

With all its steals and saves, The Voice loves second chances.

Now four “eliminated” contestants are getting another chance to stay alive in the competition.

Each coach was allowed to select one singer for a comeback opportunity.

Those singers include:

Samara Brown of Team Legend, who lost a knockout round match aired Monday.

Hailey Green of Team Blake, who lost a knockout round match aired last week.

Vaughn Mugol of Team Ariana, who lost in the battle round.

Aaron Hines of Team Kelly, who also lost in the battle round.

Voting is only open through 7 a.m. eastern time Tuesday. Which makes one wonder why The Voice didn’t announce this comeback twist at the beginning of Monday’s show rather than the end.

You can vote on Twitter with #VoiceComeback, followed by the name of your preferred singer. Or just follow this link and retweet from The Voice Twitter account.

My vote went to Hailey, who auditioned at just 15, has showed tons of improvement since auditioning and not turning a chair two seasons ago and, in my mind, should have won her knockout round match with Libianca.

As a female rocker, she’d also add more diversity in musical style to the cast than any of the other three comeback candidates.

That said, this might be the first time we witness the power of Ariana Grande’s popularity.

Follow the link above and you can see how many retweets each artists has gotten from The Voice Twitter account.

As of 2 a.m., it broke down this way: 1) Vaughn, 5,300; 2) Hailey, 3,400; 3) Samara 1,200; 4) Aaron 600.

Then head to Ariana’s Twitter page, where a request that fans support Vaughn had been retweeted 9,700 times.

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  1. TiredofTripe November 2, 2021 at 8:36 am -  Reply

    Well, that twist didn’t last long.

    What about the viewers who couldn’t watch the show on Monday?

    Oh, and from what I’ve read on Idolforums, the Make A Wish contestant was triple montaged.

    • Mark Franklin November 3, 2021 at 8:37 pm -  Reply

      Sorta triple montaged. By Voice standards, they showed much, much more of the performance than they typically do. Berritt’s part checked in at about a minute, 30 seconds while most of the knockout performances were under 2 minutes. What they cut was rehearsal footages and comments from all the coaches except Blake.

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