The Voice

The Voice unveils a knockout round twist


Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and the other Voice coaches will have new knockout round saves at their disposal in Season 14. (NBC Photo)

Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and the other Voice coaches will have new knockout round saves at their disposal in Season 14. (NBC Photo)

Ready for another new twist on The Voice?

Well, it’s coming, ready or not. And unlike the block, this one might actually be an improvement.

At least it sounds intriguing.

Remember in recent seasons how each coach has been able to invite back one contestant for the live playoffs, giving us a Top 24 for the live playoffs rather than a Top 20?

I’ve always thought the format put the returning artists at a distinct disadvantage. Especially in the seasons when they weren’t announced until show night.

And history would indicate they’re at a disadvantage. Only in Season 10 has a comeback artist made the finals.

Well, in Season 14 there won’t be comeback artists. Instead, there will be saves during the knockout round.

Yep, we’ll have saves and steals. And based on the show’s press release, this is how it will work.

Each coach has routinely had one steal during the knockout round. Now, each coach will have one save as well.

The coach can use the save to try to retain one of his or her own artists who don’t win their knockout round match.

But here’s the catch. That won’t prevent the artist from being stolen.

So if Blake Shelton, for instance, tries to save one of his losing contestants and Adam Levine tries to steal the same contestant, the artists gets to choose which team to advance with.

Sounds like it might actually add a bit more drama to the knockout round proceedings.

And when the knockouts end two weeks from now, we’ll know precisely who we’ll be voting for during the live playoffs.

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